Lunar Research Station Tarrant Elementary School 4 th Grade Gifted Class Tarrant, AL
We made the many decision decisions based on what we know of the lunar surface. The research station will be made out of metal because it is strong and can protect us from asteroids. A strength of this idea is that the metal would be strong, but if something hits the metal, it would dent it. We also decided to build the lunar research station underground so that it would be protected from the lunar surface. There are a few areas above ground: a dome on an observatory so we can look at the stars in space and a garage to store lunar rovers. It will have two bunkrooms to house the men and women, the rooms will have bunk beds that can be taken apart and put together. The entire second floor of the research station will be open lab space. The downstairs will include bunkrooms, galley, relaxation areas, living spaces, and a computer lab. We put in an elevator for them to go up and downstairs. We also decided to have two elevators outside the main building. One elevator goes to the observatory and the other elevator goes to the garage and exit to the moon’s surface. We thought that a hallway between the elevator and the lunar research station would create a space to add oxygen to the air so the astronauts can take off their space suits. We’ll also put hooks and cubbies in the hallway so that they can store the suits there. Another feature of this hallway is a touchpad entry. The astronauts and researchers will have to put their thumb on a screen and can only enter the research station if their thumbprint is in the computer. For communication we designed a “Star Phone”. This phone will allow the astronauts to communicate with each other. Each person will have a number so they will only have to press a number to call someone. The phone will also let them call back to Earth using satellites. We enjoyed learning about the moon and having an opportunity to create ideas and build a model of what we made up.
Each floor is 10 ft high. The main part of the building is 60ft long and 25 feet wide. The transition hallways are 7 ft high, 10 ft long, and 5 ft wide. The elevator shafts are 5 ft square. One is 20ft high, the other is 30ft. The observatory is 10 ft high, and 16 ft square. The dome is 8ft tall in the middle. The garage is 10 ft high, 15 ft long, and 10 ft wide. The scale we used for the model is 5ft=1 inch