Mrs. Teater 2nd Block Fall Semester 2013
Welcome ! Be prepared to work hard, have some fun, and learn bunches!! Class will meet here Mon, Wed &Fri. On Tues. and Thurs. we will travel to Asbury Farm o Beginning hopefully next week Attendance is essential – this is a performance based class
In the first five minutes: o Gather materials Get your folder and paper Have pen / pencil ready o Have a seat o Check board for POD Do not ask what we are doing today until you have read POD first o Complete opener if one is posted
Attending skills o Listen carefully to all instructions o Ask for clarification at any time afterwards Accountability o Do your own work o Keep all graded work in your folder…I could make a mistake entering grades
Music may play during independent work time only if I play it from my computer o No personal media o No music from student computers Rocking chair is by permission only.
Use your discovery skills: o 6 p’s o Dignity and respect To each other To the classroom To the school To the farm o Attending skills
Remove headphones Cell phones are not in use o If ABSOLUTE emergency, ask to step into hallway Be in the moment o Head up o Engagement o Participation
10 – 10 rule applies! Restroom –please use before class Administrator / Counselor o Have appt. made o If no appt, I will call to set one up for you Focus o Wait for a note on your process point sheet o If you need to, please wait in hallway for your note
Fire: o Exit classroom to the right through double doors at end of hallway o Proceed as a group to pavillion Tornado: o Go to hallway and sit quietly facing the wall Lockout: o Door is locked, but instruction does not stop Lockdown: o When door is locked, and shades pulled, sit on floor by tall black cabinet and smart board.
Put all materials away neatly in their proper place. o Books, folders, notebooks o Borrowed pencils returned Turn in assignments to your classes tray Return to seat o Once everyone is seated, process points will be signed, and you will be dismissed.
Be dressed and ready to go to the farm (appropriate attire – no sagging pants!) Promptly go to lobby at end of first block to get on bus to go to farm All classroom procedures remain constant