School and Classroom Procedures Barren County Middle School
BCMS GUIDELINES FOR SUCCESS: Be Respectful Contribute Positively Make A Difference Seek Knowledge
Voice Levels Level 0= Silence Level 1= Whisper Level 2 = Conversational Level 3= Outside voices (use sparingly) Level 4 = Cheering
Arrival Expectations CCONVERSATION: ● Voice level 2 (conversational) when entering building. HHELP: ● Go to nearest adult on supervision for help. ● If a bus note is needed, check in with an adult on the cafeteria stage between 7:30-7:50. ● If student arrives after 8:00 a.m., check in at the office for tardy slip. AACTIVITY: ● Students and staff will prepare for the school day. ● Students will socialize in a respectful manner. ● Students will be conforming to dress code when entering Building.
Arrival Expectations cont. MMOVEMENT: ● Move directly to one of three destinations: Breakfast in the cafeteria (7:30 – 7:45) Bleachers in the Gym(7:30-7:45) Teacher’s room or Media Center only with approved pass/note. ● In Gym –Fill bleachers from top to bottom in grade level section. –No food or drink in gym. –Students remain seated until the teacher is standing at the beginning of the row and motions for the students. –Students will clean area before leaving. Dismissal will begin with bottom row first. –Students will walk to aisles and walk down steps in bleachers. ● In Cafeteria: –Students move to gym immediately when finished eating. –No food or drink may be taken out of cafeteria.
Arrival Expectations cont. PPARTICIPATION: ● Students may enter the building at 7:00 a.m. from the front entrance only. ● Students arriving before 7:30 a.m. must report to the cafeteria. ● After 7:30 a.m., students eating breakfast report to the cafeteria. All other students must report to the gym. ● Students follow rules for each area while there. ● Students will visit lockers only after dismissed from cafeteria or gym.
Hallway Expectations During Classtime CCONVERSATION: ● Voice level 0 or 1(silence or whispers.) HHELP: ● Go to nearest adult in charge for help. AACTIVITY: ● Students and staff will move through the building quietly and orderly. MMOVEMENT: ● Walk on right side of hall near the wall or lockers. ● Walk with hands, feet, and body to self. ● Travel to location and return to class quickly. ● Have agenda visible at all times. PPARTICIPATION: ● Respect the learning environment of other classes. ● Students follow the rules for the area they are visiting.
Hallway Expectations During Passtime Between Classes CCONVERSATION: ● Voice Level 2 ( conversational ) HHELP: ● Go to nearest adult in charge for help. AACTIVITY: ● Students and staff will move through the building quietly and orderly. MMOVEMENT: ● Stay on right side of hallway. ● Walk with hands, feet, and body to self. ● Keep moving except when stopped at locker. ● Respect personal space and belongings of others. PPARTICIPATION: ● Pay attention to teachers or adult assistants when directions are given. ● Take care of personal business while respecting personal space and items.
Locker Expectations CCONVERSATION: ● Voice Level 1 or 2 (Whisper to Conversational) HHELP: ● Find nearest adult; wait for assistance. AACTIVITY: ● Locker MMOVEMENT: ● Walking, waiting patiently for turn at locker. PPARTICIPATION: ● Go to locker at assigned times. ● Share space in a courteous manner. ● Move in a timely manner. ● Keep locker organized and free of trash or food. ● Keep locker locked at all times when owner is away. ● Keep locker combination private.
Restroom Expectations CCONVERSATION: ● Voice level 1 (Whisper) ● Use appropriate language. HHELP: ● Get the attention of the nearest adult or send a classmate for help. AACTIVITY: ● Students will quietly and respectfully go to the bathroom in a timely manner. ● Students will wash hands upon leaving bathroom.
Restroom Expectations cont. MMOVEMENT: ● Form a single line, one behind the other. ● Only 5 people at a time may enter restroom. ● Only one person at a time may enter a stall. ● Last student checks restroom and reports to teacher. PPARTICIPATION: ● Ask teacher’s permission to use restroom and completely fill out Agenda book. Get teacher’s initials in agenda book. ● Respect the privacy of others. ● Keep hands, feet, and body to self. ● Respect school property.
Cafeteria Expectations CCONVERSATION: ● Voice level 0 (No Talking) while walking to the cafeteria. ● Voice level 2 (Conversational) while in the cafeteria. ● Voice level 0 (No Talking) while returning to class. HHELP: ● Get the attention of the nearest adult by raising your hand. AACTIVITY: ● Students, staff, and visitors will interact with courtesy and respect in a safe and clean environment.
Cafeteria Expectations cont. MMOVEMENT: ● Form a single line, one behind the other. ● Have student number ready for cashier. ● Go through hamburger, pizza, or hot lunch line only once. ● Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. ● Sit at assigned tables/area. ● Remain seated until dismissed. ● Gather trash on and under table. ● Follow directions for emptying trays and cleaning areas. ● Food and drink must remain in the cafeteria. ● Stand in line along wall one behind the other and wait for teacher. PPARTICIPATION: ● Students will not break line. ● Students will use appropriate language (such as please, and thank you). ● Make healthy choices and do not waste food. ● Use trays, utensils, drink containers appropriately.
Break Expectations CCONVERSATION: ● Voice level 0 (No Talking) while in the hallway purchasing break items. ● Voice level 1-2 (Whisper to Conversational) during the remainder of break in classroom. HHELP: ● Ask adult or send a friend for help. AACTIVITY: ● Students and staff will enjoy a safe and mannerly activity during break without distracting surrounding classrooms.
Break Expectations cont. MMOVEMENT: ● Enter and exit classroom through assigned door and follow hallway guidelines. ● Stand in line one behind the other while waiting to purchase break items. ● Keep hands and feet to yourself. ● Immediately return to classroom after break items are purchased. PPARTICIPATION ● Show respect to peers, teachers, and adults helping with break. ● Respect surrounding classrooms while waiting to purchase break items. ● Keep classroom and hallways clean and clean up all drinkspills and messes.
Dismissal Expectations CCONVERSATION: ● Voice Level 0 (No Talking) during announcements. ● Voice Level 1 (Whisper) while waiting to be dismissed. HHELP: ● Find nearest adult or staff member on hallway supervision AACTIVITY: ● Students will exit the building through designated doors in a safe and orderly manner.
Dismissal Expectations cont. MMOVEMENT: ● Students will visit lockers when car riders or bus number is dismissed. ● After leaving locker, students will immediately proceed to the front doors to exit building to meet bus or go to car rider pick-up area. ● Students will have a signed and initialed agenda or if they have a need to be in halls or restrooms before bus number is dismissed. ● No movement during announcements. ● Walk to all destinations. ● Follow Hallway Guidelines.
Dismissal Expectations cont. PPARTICIPATION ● Remain in classrooms until dismissed by staff or announcement. ● Follow all adult directions. ● Observe safety rules. ● School rules apply until students arrive home. ● Students will watch and listen for dismissal alerts. ● Students will remain in assigned classroom until dismissal. ● Students will stay on the sidewalks in the bus loading area and parent pick up area. ● Students in parent pick up area will wait until their name is called to be dismissed.
Fire Drill Expectations CCONVERSATION: ● Voice Level 0 (No Talking) during Fire Drill HHELP: ● Raise hand and wait for adult assistance while remaining in your designated area. In emergencies, raise hand or go to nearest adult. AACTIVITY: ● Students and staff will exit the building in a safe and orderly manner. MMOVEMENT: ● Walk in an orderly manner to designated area keeping hands, feet, and objects to self. ● Follow all adult directions. ● Stay in designated area and remain until dismissed. ● No leaving the group while traveling. ● Re-enter the school in an orderly manner, and return to the classroom. PPARTICIPATION: ● Students and staff will exit the building in a safe and orderly manner.