Unit 5. When (time) __________________________. What (thing) _________________are heard outside the window. How (feeling) Unhappy and ____________. Why.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5

When (time) __________________________. What (thing) _________________are heard outside the window. How (feeling) Unhappy and ____________. Why (conclusion) There must be something ____________________ in our neighborhood. These days Strange noises worried visiting the homes Listen and complete the chart. 3a3a Strange events in Bell Tower neighborhood

1. What can you see in the picture ? 2. What can we know about the woman? 3. Where is the article from? I can see a woman looking out of the window. She might be a little frightened and confused. It might be from a newspaper..

The passage is about __________________________________________. What do people think of it? Zhou Gu Zhou Gu’s wife police Qi Hui It must be teenagers having fun. It could be an animal. It might be the wind. It might be a dog. Read and fill in the chart. 3a3a strange events in Bell Tower neighborhood

◆ It must be teenagers having fun, having fun 是现在分词作定语 = It must be teenagers who are having fun having fun 你看见那个在树底下跳舞的女孩了吗 ? Do you see the girl dancing under the tree?

◆一定有什么(人)做了某事 e.g. There must be someone helping you to fulfill your project. There must be sth. / sb. doing 她一定有什么特殊的东西使她赢得了比赛。 There must be something special helping her to win.

1) ________________ something unforgettable in our life. 2) I really miss the old days when I ___________ _______ playing soccer with my classmates. 3) Terry is ___________ worried about the coming exam. 4) What are today’s ___________ reported in CCTV news. There must be was having fun events extremely Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words. have fun; there must be; extremely; event

快回家吧. 你妈妈肯定在家等你. 这么晚了, 他现在不可能在看电视. 操场上有些学生正在踢球。 可能有些学生在教室写作业. Go home quickly. Your mom must be waiting for you at home. It’s too late, and he can’t be watching TV. There are some students playing football on the playground. There might be some students doing their homework in the classroom. Practice:

Writing: Write another paragraph about Bell Tower using the notes below. Chu family, living on the first floor late-night footsteps in the hallway --- might be the neighbors Lao Zheng, the Chu’s friend something trying to get in the window---might be the wind Xiao Ning, Lao Zheng’s next door neighbor Find garbage in front of her house --- might be cats

Late that night, the Chu family living on the first floor found some strange footsteps in the hallway. They thought they might be their neighbors’. Lao Zheng, one of the Chus’ friends thought it might be someone trying to get in the window. The other morning, Xiao Ning, a student who lives next door, found some garbage in front of her house. She thought it must be garbage of some wild dogs. But the old hunter thought it could be garbage of cats. There must be some animals visiting the hallway. But what could it be? Sample

A: In my dream, I was swimming in an ocean of paper. B: Maybe it means you’re afraid of too much homework!

◆意为 “ 大量;许多 ” ,后接不可数名词或可数名 词复数均可 an ocean of = oceans of 她已经教了数不尽的学生。 She has taught an ocean of students. 我们有大量的食物供晚会食用。 We have oceans of food for the party.

◆意为 “ 实在太多的 ” ,后接不可数名词 e.g. There is too much rain this year. ◆ much too 表示 “ 实在太 ……” ,后面一般接形容词 或副词 e.g. The pants are much too short for him. too much 太多的作业对中学生来说太不健康了。 Too much homework is much too unhealthier for middle school students.

1.Mark Twain is Mary’s ___________ author. 2.Be__________ of the dog that doesn’t bark. is afraid of 3.Fred is afraid of flying. He feels ____________ before he gets on the plane. about 4.I haven’t seen my cat for two days. I am very ________________ about her. 5.There is a _______________ smell in the house. Do you know what it is? careful careful anxious worried strange

1. One finger cannot lift a small stone. We must unite to do things. 2. When an ant says “ocean”, he’s talking about a small pool. 1. One finger cannot lift a small stone. We must unite to do things. 2. When an ant says “ocean”, he’s talking about a small pool. Different people have different views on things.

3. It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest. We should be honest even if we are poor. 4. Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark. 3. It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest. We should be honest even if we are poor. 4. Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark. People or animals who are silent might be thinking about hurting others.

5. You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. If others don’t need help, it’s useless to offer them some. 5. You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. If others don’t need help, it’s useless to offer them some. 6. Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I may not remember. Let me try, and I’ll understand. The best way of learning is to practice doing something. 6. Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I may not remember. Let me try, and I’ll understand. The best way of learning is to practice doing something.

8. He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone. If you want to do something great, do not be shy to ask for help. 8. He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone. If you want to do something great, do not be shy to ask for help. 7. Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today. Don’t let past things worry you anymore.

她经常为小事烦恼。 She often worries about little things. = She is often worried about little things. 因大雪火车晚点 1 小时。 The train was an hour late because of the heavy snow. = The train was an hour late because it snowed heavily. Practice:

这个箱子太沉了,我搬不动它。 This suitcase is much too heavy. I can’t carry it. 注意交通安全。 Be careful of the traffic. 他在跑步时耗尽了体力。 He used up all his energy while he was running. Practice: