C Hallway wardrobes Mingling area for aspectators Arena Larvik – Level 1 Toilet spectators Stairs to 2. floor and wardrobe 3 Wardrobe 1 Refereeward. 1 Refereeward. 2 Entrance VIP Wardrobe 2 Fenced area for smoking (outside) Semipermanent walls Exit spectators after match Entrance players Stairs to 2. floor and wardrobe 4 Fences Entrance to playingfield for players Mix zone Exit arena to flash/mix Stairs for press to/from presstribune Flashzone Exit press to workingarea Warm up area Entrance press
Wardrobe 4Wardrobe 3 Presstribune (10 – 30 seats optional) Arena Larvik – Level 2 C Toilet spectators Entrance spectators + voulunteers Kiosk TV studio TV4 Room voulunteers / alt. VIP roomoffice LOC Balcony for maincameraStairs down to flash/mix VIP Toilet spectators Press (15)Com.pos (2) TV cam 2&3 Compos (2) Press (15) + place for teams own camera Stairs down to workarea
LEVEL 3 - VIP LEVEL 2 - Players warderobes, staricases to level 1/playing court and press centre, toilets LEVEL 1 – Players warderobes, referee warderobes, staircases to level 2, storage rooms Arena Larvik – overview of the backstage/office areas Wardrobe 2 Wardrobe 4 Wardrobe 3 Room volun- teers/alt.VIP room EHF/Infront Office VIP Toilet spectators Wardrobe 1 Stairs to wardrobe 4 Stairs to wardrobe 3 Hallway Stairs to hallway Referees Toilet spectators Office LOC