Hallway Behavior Presented to you by: “The Popsicle Lickers” BY: Rebecca, Natalie, Gabby.
Bad Hallway Behavior This is what a hallway should not look like!
Good behavior in the hallway This is how your behavior and what the hallway should look like!
The difference between a clean locker and a dirty locker This is a clean locker This is a dirty locker
How to be SAFE in the hallway WALK, Don’t run in the hallways Don’t throw things at people Don’t hit people Don’t litter Close your locker Throw trash away
How to be RESPECTFUL in the hallway Say hello to a friend Greet teachers and all students nicely If you drop something pick it up Help others when needed Ask if anyone needs help Quietly shut lockers
How to be RESPONSIBLE in the hallway keep your locker closed Ask for help nicely Keep your locker clean Help others Use magnets to put things in your locker Keep the hallway clean
“Popsicle Lickers” Popsicle lickers are awesome!