New Classroom Rules Blurting out will result in your clip being moved (no first warnings anymore) Getting out of your seat more than once during a lesson will result in your clip being moved If you are caught with toys, cards, or any other non-school related item, your clip will be moved and you will lose the item until the end of the week. If you tattle on another student, your clip will be moved (you only tell your teacher if that person put their hands on you or hurt you)
New Classroom Rules If you move your clip to Warning 1, Warning 2, or Detention in the morning, you will be in for recess that day. If you move your clip to Warning 1, Warning 2, or Detention in the afternoon, you will be in for recess the next day. If you are in for recess because you moved your clip, you will fill out a paper to explain why you moved your clip and what you are going to do to fix your behavior.
Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ Why did you move your clip? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ What will I do better next time so that I don’t move my clip again? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
New Computer Lab Rules There is ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING IN COMPUTER LAB from now on. We are having silent computer lab. If you are talking to another student during computer lab, you will move your clip. If you blurt out during computer lab, you will move your clip. If there is something wrong with your computer or seat, flip over the computer sign. If you blurt out or talk out in order to get help, your clip will be moved.
New Hallway Rules When we line up to leave the room, we are now making ONE LINE only! When we line up to leave the room, you enter the line without talking. If you talk you will be asked to sit down and then return to the end of the line. When you enter the hallway, you are silent. If you talk at any point in the hallway, the hallway monitor will mark you down. They will continue to mark you down until you stop talking. If you get marked down 4 times, you will move your clip. If you argue with the hallway monitor, or your teacher you will move your clip again.
New Panther Time Rules All students will remain in their seats during Panther Time. Those students who caught working hard during Panther Time will be allowed to sit on the floor or anywhere in the classroom. Students who are working hard will earn iPODs to use on Friday. A list of those students will be available each Friday on the SMARTboard. If you are talking to another student during Panther Time, you will move your clip. Mr. Boggs is OFF LIMITS during Panther Time – if you interrupt Mr. Boggs and the students he is working with during this time, you will be asked to move your clip.