If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behavior. ~William Glasser
WHAT IS THE DOJO? Class dojo is an easy and engaging behavior management tool The dojo will help you track behaviors, both positive and negative Special sound effects tell students you are keeping track Detailed reports are easy to use and easy to share with parents
HOW DOES IT WORK? Simply click a student and click the behavior you are observing Click “random” for the dojo to pick a random student (this works great for giving points when many kids are doing what they should be such as in the hallway) Click “award multiple” to give points to more than one student at a time Click “award all” to give points to the entire class
WHERE CAN I USE IT? In the classroom: you can use the dojo on any desktop or laptop computer In the hallways: access the dojo from a mobile device Anywhere with internet access and even places without! If you are not in range of a wifi signal the dojo will continue to keep track of the points you award until an internet connection is made
HOW CAN I CUSTOMIZE IT? You choose the behaviors that you want to monitor Students choose their avitars Reports can be set up to automatically to the parents daily or weekly
WHAT DO I DO WITH THE POINTS Points can be accumulated for any length of time that you want Reset points daily or set individual point goals for students to try to reach Use the points to set up a class raffle or individual rewards The dojo keeps a running total of points, negative points will deduct from your overall total of positive points
TELL ME MORE ABOUT THE REPORTS! After you end the class, the dojo will generate a report on each class and the accumulated points for each student The dojo creates an easy to understand pie graph listing the percent of positive points and a break down of how each point was earned Parents can view when each point is given for their child Reports are easy to print as documentation of behaviors including dates and times
WHAT DO THE STUDENTS THINK ABOUT IT? Students love using the dojo! Students get instant feedback on their performance Students are motivated to accumulate points Students respond to the special sound effects
SO HOW DO I GET STARTED Simply visit their site at Sign up to receive a free account Create a class and enter your students’ names Print the letter to send home to parents to invite them to sign up for the parent account which gives them access to their child’s data with a special parent code Print out student log in codes to allow students to customize their avitar