PBIS ACADEMIC Interventions and Supports Reteach/Retake; Resource; Frequent Feedback; Clarity Parent/Student Access; Multiple Modalities Lesson Planning; Physical movement planned in activities; Teacher Web Pages; Advisory; Assessments Varied; Clubs; Interdisciplinary Connections; Class Routines; Scaffolding Lesson Plans; Interactive Achievement; Academic ‘Challenges’; SOL Bowl; Spelling Bee; Geography Bee; Differentiation; Student Agendas; WEB Program; Post Daily Objectives; Group to Parent w/class updates; Study Island; Kagan Activities; CMS Calendar; Organization and Study Skills; Exit Tickets; Note- Taking Skills; AM/PM tutoring sessions; Formative Assessments; Positive Classroom Environment; Diverse Elective Opportunities; Counseling Programs; Interims/Report Cards; Newsletters; Library Access; Co-Teaching; Technology; Homework Policy; Common Assessments; Back to School Night; Book Challenge; Author Skype; CLTs; School Store; Honor Roll; Academic Awards Spectrum; Hot Lists; AM/PM Remediation Groups; Study Skills Group; Small Group Testing; Read Aloud; Resource Groups; Lunch Bunch; Working Lunches; Peer Tutoring; SOL Remediation; Homework Club; Honors Classes; Early Back Programs; Math Lab; Co-Teaching Parent Conference; IEP; Modified Tests and Assignments; More parent communication; Increased Team Interaction; Additional Resource Opportunities; One-on-One Assistance; Child Study; Student Success Plan; 504; BIP; Multi-sensory approaches; Specialized Technology and Computer Programs; CICO; Academic Contract; HARMONY MIDDLE SCHOOL
Lunch Bunch; AM/PM assistance; Social Skills groups w/School Counselor; Safe School Ambassadors; Resource support; Parent E- mails; Comments on Clarity reports – interims/report cards; Attendance Hotlist; Peer Counseling Group; Small Group Remediation; Peer Tutors; Co-Teaching Praise Phrases; WEB Program; New Student Orientation; Summer Tours; International Night; Hornet High Fives; Clubs; Classroom Guidance; Advisory; Hallway Monitoring; After-lunch Recess; High Expectations; Team Building Incentives & Rewards (i.e. skating parties); Anti-Bullying Program & Pledge; Community Communication; Agendas; Teaming; Classroom Expectations; School Needs Assessment; Field Trips; Awards Nights; SCA; Cafeteria Expectations; Field Day; ‘Honors’ Pins; Dances; Cornerstone Awards; Community School Events; Family Movie Night; Family Art Night; 8 th Grade End of Year Assembly; School-wide Assemblies; Fundraiser Incentives/Rewards; Student of the Month; Name Game; PE Physical Well- Being Activity; Hornet Mile; Ice Cream Party; Recognitions on announcements; Character Education; CTE Pays PBIS BEHAVIORAL Interventions and Supports Behavior Contract; Resource CICO; Take Five and then hallway conference; Chance Pass; Earn points for reward; Student phone parent; FBA/BIP; BIT; Social Worker; School Psychologist; Expulsion; OSS; ISR; PM detention; Working lunch; Hallway restriction; Student Success Plan: Child Study; Student Assistance Program; IEP; Conference w/parent; Co-Teaching; Referral to Grade Level Administrator; Case Manager; Threat Assessment; peer mentor; SWS HARMONY MIDDLE SCHOOL