Book Study Chapters 1-6
Characterization- methods that an author uses to show what characters are like. Indirect Characterization- the writer reveals a character’s personality through the character’s words and actions and through what other characters think and say about the character. Direct characterization- the writer make direct statements about a character’s personality.
Character traits- the qualities that make up a character’s personality Dynamic characters- characters who grow and change throughout the story Static characters- characters who do not change throughout the course of the story
Round characters- characters with several sides to their personalities Flat characters- characters with only one or two character traits
Foil- character who provides comic relief in a dramatic story
Who is the narrator? Where is the setting of the novel? Why do you think the Greasers and the Socs do not get along? How does this rivalry affect Ponyboy? Why do you think Ponyboy likes books and movies?
If you had to choose one thing to symbolize you, what would it be and what does it symbolize about you exactly? Remember to write no less than 3 sentences.
If you had two rules to live by, what would they be and why? Explain. Your response should be 5-7 sentences.
What do you think about Dally? What do you think about how the girls (Cherry and Marcia) reacted to Dally? Ponyboy? Johnny? Two- Bit? Why do you think Cherry says, “I kind of admire him” (27) about Dally? What are some of the rules of the gang (29)? What does Ponyboy say about the difference between a gang and a pack (26)? What happened to Johnny? What affect do you think this had on the gang? There are two important moments of foreshadowing in this chapter, what are they and what do they suggest may happen?
How do Cherry & Ponyboy explain the difference between Socs & Greasers? What is the “Rat Race”? Have you ever heard this expression before? Why do you think Mickey Mouse was important to Soda? Why do you think Darry hits Ponyboy? Why do you think Cherry tells Ponyboy not to say “Hi” to her in the hallway? Ponyboy says, “It isn’t fair” a few times in this chapter. What do you think he is referring to? What is not fair to Ponyboy? Do you agree or disagree? Do you face these same problems in your life? Do you think teenagers face these same problems today?
Imagine that you were a character in the book. Would you be associated with the Greasers or with the Socs? Why?
-The Inciting Force is the event or character that triggers the conflict. -Rising Action is a series of events that builds from the conflict (begins with the inciting force and ends with the climax). -Climax is the decisive moment which will determine the outcome of the story. It is the high point of the story for the reader. Frequently, it is the moment of the highest interest and greatest emotion. -Falling Action is the events after the climax which close the story. -The Resolution rounds out and concludes the action.
1)Person vs. Self – An internal conflict that involves the struggle between the character and his/her conscience 2)Person vs. Nature – An external conflict that involves a struggle between the character and the elements of nature that are beyond his/her control 3)Person vs. Person – An external conflict that involves a struggle, mental or physical, between two characters in the story 4)Person vs. Society – An external conflict that involves the struggle between a character and the rules of laws that govern the society in which he/she lives.
Symbol – a thing that represents or stands for something else. What do you think Ponyboy’s hair represents or stands for? Does anyone recognize another symbol in Chapter 5?
What do you think the poem means to the story? How has what Johnny did affected the rivalry between the two groups? Where does this fit into the plot? Do you think this all Cherry’s fault? Do you think it’s anyone’s fault? What do you think about Johnny and Ponyboy going back into the burning church? Do you think that Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally are heroes? What makes a hero? (Critical Thinking: the goal is to get the students to develop a criteria for “hero” and apply to characters) Why is it such a shock to Ponyboy when Jerry tells him he shouldn’t smoke? What is Darry afraid of?
What is your definition of a hero? Do you think that Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dallas are heroes? Explain. Or… If there were a book written about you, what would the title be and why? Your response should be 4-6 sentences.