Lord, Eternal God, we are about to begin our meeting and we do so with the awareness that without Your Divine Presence here at the center of our meeting and also within ourselves our work will be empty. Prayer To Begin Our Meeting (adapted from Prayers for the Servants of God by Edward Hays)
Grace us with Your Wisdom and Vision; gift us with Holy Humor and Humility so that not only this meeting but all our lives may be a meeting place for your Kingdom. We ask this † in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen !
May 8 Mass – Lethbridge College 7:00 p.m. May 9 Ceremonies – Lethbridge College, 10:00 a.m. May 9 Enmax Center Banquet, 5:30 p.m. Grand March – 8:00 p.m. CCHS GRADUATION: OUR GIFT TO OUR STUDENTS
To remain on the list of graduates of CCHS a student must have the following: Be eligible to complete 100 credits by the end of Quarter 4 Have successfully completed RS 35 including the Faith in Action component. OR, Have a specialized program as part of an IPP. GRAD POLICY
FEES AND THE BUDGET Grad fees are $ These are due March 10. The fees include ALL events except the banquet. The fees include the sitting fee for the photographer but does NOT include any picture packages. Students will not be excluded from graduation ceremonies because of inability to pay. Please put child’s name and height on your cheque. Payments will be accepted tonight. Mastercard and Visa are available.
GRADUATION DVDS DVDs of the Convocation, the Banquet speeches and the Grand March will be available for pre-sale at either office (Campus East or Campus West) beginning on May 1, They will also be available for purchase before and after Convocation on Saturday at Lethbridge College and during the banquet at the Enmax. We will take orders until May 13, 2015.
GRADUATION SCHEDULE REGULAR CLASSES until Friday, May 8 Friday, May 8, ALL GRADS must attend grad rehearsal and updates at 8:00 AM on Campus WEST. Grad gown pickup following practice on Friday at Campus West. The group grad photo is taken at this time. Speakers for Mass and the Ceremonies go to Lethbridge College to practice with the microphone. Speakers for the Banquet practice at the Enmax.
Friday, May 8, 7:00 PM at Lethbridge College. Grads arrive at 6:15 p.m. and line up alphabetically in the hallway. Grads wear their gowns, but no hats. Cell phones may be left with a parent. Mass includes the grad candle lighting ceremony. GRADUATION MASS
Saturday, May 9, 10:00 AM at LC Gym Grads arrive at 9:15 AM and line up alphabetically. Grads will need their gowns and caps. Suggestions: Boys – white shirt and tie; girls – v-neck t- shirt. Grads should write their names in their caps – they keep these. Again, no cell phones or chewing gum. GRADUATION CEREMONIES
The hat toss…… Gown Return – At the college. $10.00 deposit is returned. THE CONCLUSION OF THE CEREMONIES…
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Tickets are $32 dollars each Each student can purchase 6 tickets Grad need to purchase one out of six tickets It is fire regulation to have every one present occupy a chair (even babies in car seats). CCH 17
Students will be given a student ID number that they will use to buy their tickets. Students will be given their id numbers on Friday, March 27/15. Families needing more than 6 tickets need to contact Ms. Fetting between Thursday, March 26 at flex and up until and including March 31 at flex. Tickets go online at 3 pm on April 1 and the last day to purchase tickets is April 17 at 4 pm. If there are any extra seats available they will go on sale after April 17 at 4pm. Exact time and date will be announced. CCH 18
If you need more than six tickets, vegetarian meals, and/ or wheelchair accessibility please contact Donna Fetting at or at Or If you need help with the online process. CCH 19
Go to for secure ticket purchase. Visa Master card Interac/debit CCH 20
Purpose: to celebrate the graduating class as a community of CCHS. Professional photos will be taken of the grand march. Grand March will begin about 7:45 - 8:00 PM. Please cooperate with CCH staff to ensure this event is a pleasant experience for all. GRAND MARCH AND DANCE
ABOUT THE BANQUET – SCHOOL EVENT This is a school event; students/patrons under the influence of alcohol or druyg will be asked to leave. Students who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs prior to or during the Grand March will be asked to leave. There will be disciplinary action. The consumption of alcohol in the parking lot, in private vehicles, or during the viewing of the Grand March is prohibited. We have requested assistance from the Lethbridge Police Service to ensure this event remains safe and pleasant for all.
PARENTS CAN HELP … Ensure your child attends the Friday practices – preferably awake and aware. Assist your child in keeping his/her gown, stole, hat and tassel together. Ensure your child arrives on time for all events. Assist your child in integrating grad celebrations with school attendance.
About the grad list – contact Mrs. Kroker About the grad banquet – contact Mrs. Fetting About grad photos – contact Marc Orenstein at DeJourdan’s or Mrs. Shaskin at CCH About grad hoodies – Mr. Vercillo About any other aspect of grad – Mrs. Polec IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS…
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. Henry Ford Don’t agonize, organize. Thank you for your help in making our students’ graduation a meaningful event. FINAL THOUGHTS