Capitol Hill Tree Farm Fly-in Washington, D.C.
Why is it Important to Be Successful on Capitol Hill?
What Does Success on Capitol Hill Look like? Create and Foster Relationships Be a Go-to resource for members and staff Pass Legislation Defeat Legislation Show Support for Family Forests
Typical Concerns My issues aren’t important. I’m not an expert. I don’t donate to campaigns. I’ll say the wrong things. I don’t really know what’s going on.
They Want to Hear From You! Family Friends Money Media Coalitions But 90% Rate you as #1
What makes a good advocate? Relationships…Relationships…Relationships
10 Tips for Effective Meetings
1. Make An Appointment
2. Staff are ESSENTIAL Expect Youth They are Gatekeepers and Experts They help provide members with information to make decisions
3. Do Your Homework. What are the Members priorities? Positions in the past? Other forest groups? Election? Review your Target Member of Congress Plans in your packet.
4. Avoid Information Overload
5. You Don’t Have All the Answers And that’s ok… If you don’t know something its ok to admit and you can always provide staffers or members with information by after the meetings
6. Tell Your Story Family Forest Owners may be a Mystery to Them Make it Passionate and Personal Relate to community and jobs Facts and Figures
7. Have an “Ask” What do you want the Member to do for you? Support the programs that help keep our forests Healthy, productive, and in the hands of those who care for them
8. Be flexible Members and staffers are often pressed for time. Meetings may take place in the Hallway
9. Thank Them Give them credit Publicity Use the Media
10. Connect Back Home
Back In the “REAL” World… Attend an event Host a roundtable Invite them to Your Tree Farm Recruit Others – Strength in Relationships – And Strength in Numbers
Recap 1.Make an appointment. 2.Respect staff. 3.Do your homework. 4.Avoid information overload. 5.It’s OK to not have all the answers. 6.Tell your story. 7.Have an “Ask.” 8.Be flexible—expect the Hallway. 9.Remember to say “Thank You.” 10.Connect back home…