Leading for Knowledge-Building Inclusive Learning Environments UofC logo
Inquiry Focus How can leadership practices improve teaching practices, learner engagement and student achievement?
Learning Outcomes 1.Deepen understanding about effective teaching and learning for knowledge-building inclusive environments 2.Mobilize evidence-based practices for leading and learning 3.Develop processes for providing teachers with timely, specific and constructive feedback about teaching and learning
Recount the story of your school’s learning last year 1.Key insights regarding leading for knowledge- building inclusive environments? 2.Leveraging the leadership capacities of others in your school (i.e. APs & LLs)?
Robinson, 2011
WD#1 - video 1.What evidence of intellectual engagement can you identify? 2.What supports/conditions did leaders put in place to enable this work? 3.Evidence of engagement from your school? Reflective Practitioners and Engaged Learners
WD #2 Critical Reflections What’s working in your school? 1.How have you welcomed new people into this work (staff & students)? 2.How are you sustaining the innovations you’ve been leading? 3.What changes in the learning environment have you noticed over the past 2 years? i.e. What evidence of engagement of FNMI and at risk kids could you bring forward from your school?
WD #3 Collective Idea Generation 1.What’s working in terms of sustaining the momentum in your schools? What else could be done? 2.What impacts are you noticing on the learning of FNMI, “hallway” or at risk students?
Large group synthesis 1.What important ideas have you surfaced? 2.Which ideas seem work pursuing?
WD#5 – Next Steps Homework for the school leadership team Meet with other members of your school leadership team to determine what data/evidence you might gather to determine how the learning environment is improving for FNMI, hallway and/or at risk students. (TTFM, observations, conversations, work samples etc.) What is the evidence telling you about the schooling experience of these students?
Next Steps – Looking for Evidence 1.What might be some of the indicators of inclusive learning environments 2.TTFM survey data – what’s it telling you? 3.Other data sources?
Critical Reflections and Feedforward What have you learned that you are anxious to try? What else do you need to learn? Other feedback?
Teachers as Designers Worthwhile Work Assessment For Learning Learning Relationships Improve Practice with Peers Teaching Effectiveness Framework