Harmony School of Political Science and Communication Presents: The 2012 International Fest
Goal: To educate all school children in cultures around the world through research, creation, and production of an International Fest.
Target Audience: The goal is to have all teachers actively involved, participation in the classroom and during the fest by all students, and day of participation by parents, friends, family and local community residents. We will be reaching out about the event: Introductory /flyer to families -2 months out Save the Date /flyer – 6 weeks out Wed Mail/Facebook weekly blurbs- 1 month out Registration tickets flyers/ -1 month out Reminders-bi-weekly-2 weeks out Hallway decorations up-1-2 weeks out Friends and Family companion pass ticket flyer to hand out to neighbors and family-2 weeks out Final reminder/ School touch phone call home-1 day out
Overview: Students should learn about their assigned country in their classes, with supplemental lessons on global art, music and sports from their Art, Music and PE class teachers. Artwork created in art class can be used to decorate classrooms and hallways. During the event students should take shifts staffing their country to help with crafts, shows, food, etc representing their country to visitors.
What: Each class will be assigned a country Teachers without a homeroom class will also be given a role which may/may not be a country assignment A list of potential activities and country statistics will be provided as a resource to help generate ideas Each class/country will have a coordinator and a team of parent volunteers
Setup: Decorate your classrooms in the weeks leading up to the Fest. Hallways can be decorated if allowed with artwork. Customs will be set up in the front outer lobby, where a short “What is International Fest” video will show, students can pick up their passport, purchase a carry-on box (PTO fundraiser) and then head off on a trip around the world A booth will be located at the front of each hallway (4) to welcome visitors to that “continent” and encourage them to visit the countries. The person staffing this booth will be a helpful Q&A style person and might be able to encourage timely circulation. Each class will have a display showcasing basic country information (population, location, etc) and provide a food and activity component A rest/snack area will be located in the central upper lobby. A UN display will be located in the lower inner lobby (More details are included in the full Teacher Overview Guide)
Next Steps: Work with your Room Parent to designate a Classroom Coordinator Decide how you plan to incorporate International Fest into your classroom activities Work with country experts (i.e. parents and others with relevant knowledge) to determine how to represent your designated country. Draft a timeline that fits your schedule
Your International Fest Planning Committee is here to help: – Kenya Johnson – Traci Synatschk – Annette Raggette