The AP Day 4
August 25, 2011 Assign Yourself: Vocab Day 3 Do Now! (Real ACT problem! Correct the sentence.) Our town plans to start a recycling program next year. If there is enough money. (4 min) A. NO CHANGE B. year, if there C. year if there D. year; if Objective: SWBAT correctly punctuate complex and compound sentences. (and) SWBAT analyze a text’s tone, diction, imagery, style, and theme.
What do you know? Write down each of these words. Place a check mark next to the ones you know very well, an H next to the ones you have heard before, and an X next to the ones you do not. Complex sentence compound sentence Comma FANBOYS Coordinating conjunction subordinating conjunctions
Group Chart Know Want to know Learned Do Now! What do you need to know? Notes & Anchor Chart
I. Compound Sentences Comma?Example Sentence Juan and Maria love to get on facebook and be a boss. Juan loves to get on Facebook and Mary loves to be a boss. Test: put your finger on the ‘and.’ do you have a complete sentence on either side?
Compound sentence = ONE complete thought+, + ONE complete thought
Coordinating Conjunctions For And Nor But Or Yet So
Practice Correctly punctuate the sentences. Also, underline the subjects and box the main verb(s). #1 I love to run in the grass but I fall often. #2 We sing gospel well and enjoy its melodies. #3 Create you own sentence!
I. Complex Sentences Comma?Example Sentence After college I will become a famous boss. I will become a famous boss after college. Test: cover up everything before the comma. Do you have a complete thought?
Complex sentence = DEPENDENT clause+, + ONE complete thought
Practice #1 As soon as the period before lunch begins we are tired and hungry. #2 As if by magic Peter Pan flew through the air with the greatest of ease. #3 Create your own sentence. #4 Flip the order (if you put the dependent clause first, then flip it. )
EXIT SLIP #1 Here. We. Go. Number your paper 1-4. No need to write the question down. Just write the answer.
1. Which of the following sentences is written using correct punctuation? A. Lorrie laughed because a penguin waddled down the hallway and gave her a high five. B. Because a penguin waddled down the hallway and gave her a high five Lorrie wanted. C. Lorie laughed because a penguin waddled down the hallway, and gave her a high five. D. Lorrie laughed, because a penguin waddled down the hallway.
2. Which of the following sentences is written using correct punctuation? A. Where there is a will there is a way. B. There is a will and there is a way. C. There is a way, where there is a will. D. Where there is a will, there is a way.
3. Which of these correctly punctuates a compound sentence? A. I tried to write to Ms. Koehler and I tried to call her later. B. I tried to write to Ms. Koehler, and later I tried to call her. C. I tried to write Ms. Koehler, and later tried to call her. D. I tried to write to Ms. Koehler, and tried to call her later.
4. Which one of these correctly punctuates a compound sentence? A. You are the best student ever, yet your handwriting scares me. B. You are the best student ever and yet your handwriting scares me. C. You are the best student ever yet your handwriting scares me. D. You are the best student ever, when you write you scare me.
SWBAT: analyze a text’s tone, word choice, imagery, style and theme. Fictionvs. Non-fiction ThemeMessage Reader/ audienceAudience Today, we look at a poem as rhetoric.
I. The Analysis Essay Non-fiction 45 minutes to read, analyze and write Rhetorical triangle
Anchor Chart The purpose of the anchor chart is: To recall as much as possible that has been learned during class. To fill in gaps To “Anchor” learning so that it stays with you. To prepare for Exit Slips.