80" 6'8" Exterior 36" Interior 28-32"
Inside Outside 36-48"
36-48" 1-3/4" solid core
Practical Application # 1 You are outside of a residence. This is a door in a side of the house away from the main door. 1. Which way do you think the door should swing? 2. What type of room might you expect upon entering?
Practical Application # 2 You are outside of a residence. This is a door in the back of the house. 3. Which way do you think the door should swing? 4. What type of room should you expect on the other side?
Practical Application # 3 You are outside of a residence. This is the main door. 5. Which one is the live leaf and which way does it swing? 6. What type of room should you expect on the other side? 7. What are some strong clues?
Practical Application # 4 You are inside of a residence. This is a door in a side of the house away from the main door. 8. Which way do you think the door should swing? 9. What should you expect on the other side?
Practical Application # 5 You are in a hallway in a large house. There is a bedroom immediately adjacent to this door. 10. Which way do you expect this door to swing? 11. What type of room should you expect on the other side? 12. Where is the closest interior wall?
Practical Application # 6 You are standing outside a large multi-story apartment building in an older section of a large city. This is the only door in this side of the building. 13. Which way do you think this door should swing? 14. What is likely to be on the other side?
Practical Application # 7 You are standing near the entrance door to one of a number of apartments. 15. Which way do you expect the door to swing? 16. What type of room is most likely on the other side?
Practical Application # 8 You have just entered a small apartment and are in the living room. This door is on the far wall. 17. Which way do you expect this door to swing? 18. What type of room should you expect on the other side? 19. Can you turn on the lights without entering the room?
Practical Application # 9 You have entered the kitchen of an older, single-story, single- family house when you see this door in the far corner. 20. Which way is this door most likely to swing? 21. What should you expect on the other side?
Practical Application # 10 You have entered the master bedroom from the main hallway of an older house when you see this door on the opposite wall. 22. Which way do you expect this door to swing? 23. What type of room do you expect on the other side?
Practical Application # 11 You are about to force entry through this door, which you suspect is a bedroom. 24. From a tactical standpoint, on which side of the door should you expect to encounter the suspect? 25. How would you suggest your entry team be formed? BONUS QUESTIONS! What is the typical size and composition of the door?