ALABASTER PROJECT EYECARE MINISTRIES Tamale, Ghana, West Africa and Gao, Mali, Sahara P.O. Box 15008 Fernandina Beach, FL 32035
Alabaster Project Ministries Overview The Alabaster Project is a 501-c-3 organizat- ion with a board, incorporated in the US. The operational headquarters is in northern Ghana. Our operations cover the non- Christian North African countries, and Asia. Alabaster Project is involved in compassionate care ministry through the dental, eye and medical outreach programs. Vision Statement The Alabaster Project is a God-given mandate to extravagantly pour out our lives in the service of God to others. Mission Statement The Alabaster Project exists to fulfill the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ – Matthew 28:18-20. (We have been called to do more than is necessary, go beyond the call of duty and exceed expectations – Matthew 26:6-8.)
Bethany Village APM Operational Center 7 acre compound near Tamale, Ghana Contains the clinics, vocational school, resident and guest living quarters, storage (food, etc.), and chapel. Storage Vocational School Eye Clinic Dental Clinic Pam’s Cottage Chapel Living & Guest quarters Guard House Brian’s Cottage Highway
Compassionate Care Ministry Medical Care Alabaster Project is involved in compassionate care ministry through the dental, eye and medical outreach programs. We have built an eye clinic complete with a surgical unit which is equipmented to start serving the people. We have eye examination equipments (slit lamp, phoroptor and auto- refractor), a large supply of eye glasses (10,000) in stock to dispense. Between the two clinics we service about 60 first time patients weekly. This part of the ministry is growing at about 10% annually. We have a dental/medical clinic which has been in operation since 2004, over 25,000 patients have been served at this clinic. The eye clinic which has been in operation since 2007 has seen over 2600 patients
Eyecare Ministry Need According to the United Nations, northern Ghana has one of the worst cases of eye diseases, such as trachoma, pterygia, and cataracts. Up to recently, there was not even an eye care unit at the regional hospital that serves the whole city, much less the region.
Eyecare Ministry Ministry Eye clinic has been built and is equipped for surgery. Presently, prescriptions are read using an auto refractor connected to a computer to identify the best match from the over 10,000 pairs of refurbished prescription glasses. We have served over 2,600 patients in the five years that the eye clinic has been in operation. Of the patients that we have seen over 60% of patients need surgery for Glaucoma Trachoma Cataracts Pterygia
Patients in Need of Care Photos of Patients with Eye Problems requiring surgery
Vision Plans Solicit the equipment to be able to perform eye surgery in our clinic Obtain supplies and medicines Find ophthalmologists and assistants willing to come to Ghana and perform eye surgery Train local staff to perform lay functions in eye care Develop methods to provide eye care in remote locations in Ghana and other regions of North Africa (Mali and Chad) Bethany Village
Impact of Ministry The people to whom we are called are made up of over 90% unbelievers. We have built a dental and eye clinic which we use as tools for evangelism. Before we see any patient we give them the gospel and allow them to make a decision before receiving treatment. We treat them whether they accept the gospel or not; however, we give them the opportunity. Often times several accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and then we begin to disciple them.
Challenges of the Ministry This presents certain unique challenges. Just like in the first century of Christian faith instead of planting churches we are building Christian communities (Philemon 2). This means we need to get sizable land to build accommodations for the persecuted new believers to come and live with us. We need to teach them new skills because some of those who accept Christ lose their means of livelihood. We have to farm to feed them. In short, we have to build a complete new community to receive, train and disciple the new believers who have lost their families and means of livelihood. With the produce from our farm we minister to the widows and orphans in the villages where we have our discipleship meetings (James 1:27) Because in the African tradition a man can marry up to several wives, when he dies he leaves several widows and orphans.
Ministries of the Alabaster Project Caring and Compassion Dental/eye care Food for the poor (House of Joseph) City of Refuge Missionary Retreats Enriching Lives Through Educational Training Sports evangelism (Basketball, volleyball, scoccer) Vocational School Adult Night Schools School Scholarships Creating Community Peace Initiative Building Relationships with Tribal Leaders Fulfilling the Great Commission Discipleship Preaching and Teaching Village Evangelism and Outreach Hosting Short-Term Mission Teams
Caring and Compassion Dental Care
Caring and Compassion Eye Care Food for the Poor (House of Joseph)
Enriching Lives Sports Evangelism
Enriching Lives Vocational School Adult Night and Day Schools Scholarships
Enriching Lives Farming
Creating Community Peace Initiative Building Relationships with Tribal Leaders
Fulfilling the Great Commission Discipleship
Fulfilling the Great Commission Preaching and Teaching Village Evangelism
Fulfilling the Great Commission Hosting Short-Term Mission Teams