Industrial Revolution. The Cottage Industry System Do you think this system was efficient or highly productive?


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Presentation transcript:

Industrial Revolution

The Cottage Industry System Do you think this system was efficient or highly productive?

Before Industrial Revolution-Cottage Industry

Cottage Industry

Tools of Cottage Industry

Weaving Process

Why Britain? Water- Canals, Rivers, and other flowing water that could power the factories. People- Britain had many people who were available to work in factories due to the dying cottage industry. Capital- $, Scrilla, Dinero to finance factory production and machinery needed.

The Water Canals like this one were very common in Britain.

How it Works

Water to Power

Water to Power More

Innovation: The Steam Engine

Steam Engine More Of the few factories that do exist in the United States, what is used to power them?

Work in Factories Textiles= the making of thread, then cloth. It was the first major industry. Coal Mines= Coal was used to make steam for steam engines; therefore, it was a popular industry.


Women and Children Working

Women Working

Account of Hannah Brown Interviewed for the House of Commons Committee on 13th June, 1832.House of Commons Question: How early did you begin to work in mills? Answer: At nine years old. Question: What hours did you work? Answer: I began at six o'clock, and worked till nine at night. Question: What time was allowed for your meals? Answer: No, none at all. Question: Did this work affect your limbs? Answer: Yes, I felt a great deal of pain in my legs. Question: Did it begin to produce deformity in any of your limbs? Answer: Yes; both my knees are rather turned in. Question: Was there punishment? Answer: Yes Question: Has Mr. Ackroyd ever chastised you in any way? Answer: Yes; he has taken hold of my hair and my ear, and pulled me, and just given me a bit of a shock, more than once. Question: Did you ever see him adopt similar treatment towards any others? Answer Yes: I have seen him pull a relation of mine about by the hair. Question: Do you mean he dragged her? Answer: Yes, about three or four yards.

Children and Work

Child Beaten-1853

The Consequences of Child Labor

Revolution Life


Spread of Industrialization