Quincy Police Pedestrian Safety January
In Collaboration With Mayor Thomas P Koch Mayor Thomas P Koch Commissioner Daniel Ramondi Dpw Commissioner Daniel Ramondi Dpw Quincy Planning Department Quincy Planning Department Chief Paul Keenan Quincy Police Chief Paul Keenan Quincy Police
Pedestrian Accidents In calendar year 2012 the City Of Quincy Experienced an upswing in pedestrian accidents. In calendar year 2012 the City Of Quincy Experienced an upswing in pedestrian accidents. There were 98 reported pedestrian accidents There were 98 reported pedestrian accidents There were 5 reported fatalities There were 5 reported fatalities
Fatal Pedestrian Accidents 1/15/12 Sea St Victim 8o Yrs – Charges Filed 1/15/12 Sea St Victim 8o Yrs – Charges Filed 1/31/12 Burgin Pky Victim 55 Yrs – No Charges Filed 1/31/12 Burgin Pky Victim 55 Yrs – No Charges Filed 8/30/12 Quincy Ave Victim 46 Yrs – No Charges Filed 8/30/12 Quincy Ave Victim 46 Yrs – No Charges Filed 11/16/12 Quincy Ave Victim 84 Yrs – No Charges Filed 11/16/12 Quincy Ave Victim 84 Yrs – No Charges Filed 11/19/12 Wall St Victim 67 Yrs – Under Investigation 11/19/12 Wall St Victim 67 Yrs – Under Investigation
Pedestrian Grant On May 1, 2012 the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Highway Safety Division selected the Quincy Police Department to receive $5, in funding as part of their FY2012 Pedestrian, Bicycle and Moped-Type Safety Enforcement and Equipment Grant. The Quincy Police Department used this funding on enforcement and education targeting pedestrian safety. We specifically targeted high volume pedestrian areas throughout the city. The grant ended on September 30, In the end 242 motorists were stopped and 181 citations were issued. On May 1, 2012 the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Highway Safety Division selected the Quincy Police Department to receive $5, in funding as part of their FY2012 Pedestrian, Bicycle and Moped-Type Safety Enforcement and Equipment Grant. The Quincy Police Department used this funding on enforcement and education targeting pedestrian safety. We specifically targeted high volume pedestrian areas throughout the city. The grant ended on September 30, In the end 242 motorists were stopped and 181 citations were issued.
Locations McGrath and Elm McGrath and Elm Hancock Street and Russell Park Hancock Street and Russell Park Hancock Street and Cottage Ave Hancock Street and Cottage Ave McGrath and Newcomb McGrath and Newcomb Beale Street and Hancock Street Beale Street and Hancock Street
Dates of Grant July July 4 Crosswalk Decoys 4PM - 8PM 4 Crosswalk Decoys 4PM - 8PM August August 1 Crosswalk Decoy 4PM - 8PM 1 Crosswalk Decoy 4PM - 8PM 6 Targeted Enforcement 2 4PM - 8PM and 4 8AM - 12Noon 6 Targeted Enforcement 2 4PM - 8PM and 4 8AM - 12Noon September September 1 Crosswalk Decoy 3PM - 7PM 1 Crosswalk Decoy 3PM - 7PM 3 Targeted Enforcement 2 4PM - 8PM and 1 3PM - 7PM 3 Targeted Enforcement 2 4PM - 8PM and 1 3PM - 7PM
Anti-Crime Program As Part of the anti-crime program under the direction of Lt Dan Minton, teams of two Officers were sent out to enforce pedestrian crosswalk laws. The officers wrote between 20 and 30 citations each day. The officers were assigned to locations throughout the city. The locations included major intersections, including senior citizen housing. This effort produced approximately 200 citations As Part of the anti-crime program under the direction of Lt Dan Minton, teams of two Officers were sent out to enforce pedestrian crosswalk laws. The officers wrote between 20 and 30 citations each day. The officers were assigned to locations throughout the city. The locations included major intersections, including senior citizen housing. This effort produced approximately 200 citations
Public Safety Awareness Programs Mayor’s office conducted a pedestrian safety show on Quincy Access Cable Mayor’s office conducted a pedestrian safety show on Quincy Access Cable Lt. Minton conducted a public safety awareness cable infomercial on Quincy Access Cable Lt. Minton conducted a public safety awareness cable infomercial on Quincy Access Cable Lt. Minton, Sergeant Richard Tapper conducted a half hour show on Quincy Access Cable on pedestrian safety. Lt. Minton, Sergeant Richard Tapper conducted a half hour show on Quincy Access Cable on pedestrian safety. Lt. Minton conducted a community meeting at Atlantic Community Center. Lt. Minton conducted a community meeting at Atlantic Community Center. Pedestrian safety brochure was distributed at several location throughout the city Pedestrian safety brochure was distributed at several location throughout the city
Avoid becoming a Victim Be Aware of your surroundings Be Aware of your surroundings Cross at pedestrian lights Cross at pedestrian lights Cross at crosswalks Cross at crosswalks Wait for cars to come to a complete stop before crossing even in crosswalks. Wait for cars to come to a complete stop before crossing even in crosswalks. Watch for turning vehicles; make sure the driver sees you and will stop for you. Watch for turning vehicles; make sure the driver sees you and will stop for you.
Don’t become a Victim Look across ALL lanes you must cross and visually clear each lane before proceeding. Just because one motorist stops, do not presume drivers in other lanes can see you and will stop for you. Look across ALL lanes you must cross and visually clear each lane before proceeding. Just because one motorist stops, do not presume drivers in other lanes can see you and will stop for you. Don’t wear headphones or talk on a cell phone while crossing. Don’t wear headphones or talk on a cell phone while crossing.