Profile of the visitor and their vacation in JAMAICA The Jamaica Tourist Board through its Corporate Planning & Research Dept. maintains a statistical database on the visitors to the Island, sourced from the Immigration Embarkation/Disembarkation card coupled with the Exist Surveys done at the Island’s main ports. The latest data collected for the Year 2001 reveals the following about visitors to Jamaica.
Trip Characteristics 74% of the stopover visitors were on vacation. 51% chose Jamaica because of the beaches 56% visited an attraction during their stay on the Island 44% of the foreign national component category of visitors was on a repeat visit. 55% were on a prepaid package trip. 84% came in Scheduled Airlines and 16% on Chartered Flights.
Likelihood of Return/Likelihood to Recommend to Friends and Relatives 84% of the cruise passengers indicated an intention to return to Jamaica on a cruise trip 76% indicated that the return trip would be a land-based vacation. 90% of the stopover visitors stated that they would recommend Jamaica to friends and relatives with 61% expressing definite recommendations.
Expenditures Stopovers spent, on average, US$830 per visit. 60% of this expenditure was in Accommodations (including Food & Beverage) 10% on Entertainment 9% on Shopping 7% on Transportation 6% on Food & Beverage outside Accommodations
Expenditures Cruise Passengers spent, on average, US$86 per visit. 70% of this expenditure was on Shopping 9% on visiting Attractions 4% on local transportation
Product Satisfaction Ratings 42% rated the quality of the Rooms they stayed in as excellent. 52% rated the quality of the Food & Beverage as excellent. 54% rated the quality of the Service provided as excellent. 43% rated the Activities participated in as excellent.
Product Satisfaction Ratings The most popular attraction visited was Dunn’s River Falls; of those who visited this attraction 58% rated it as excellent. 51% of the visitors were of the opinion that their visit exceeded their expectations. 40% felt their vacation was about what was expected.
Visitor Interests 79% were very interested in Going to the Beach 47% were very interested in Watersport activities 37% were very interested in Dining out 34% were very interested in Nightlife activities
Demographics 72% of stopover visitors come from the U.S.A. of this proportion; 43% from the Northeastern States 28% from the Southern States 21% from the Mid-West, and 8% from the West 14% of the stopover visitors come from Europe 10% are from the United Kingdom 9% of the stopover visitors come from Canada 3% from within the Caribbean 2% from the Rest of the World
65% of stopover visitors stayed in Hotel accommodation, of this amount; 78% stayed in All-Inclusive type hotels 22% in European style type hotels 5% stayed in Non-hotel accommodations 32% stayed in the resort region of Montego Bay 21% stayed in Ocho Rios 20% stayed in Negril 14% stayed in Kingston Demographics
The Average length of stay of the Foreign National stopover visitor was 10 nights, those staying in hotels was 7 nights. 57% of stopovers visitor were between the ages of 25 and 49 years old. 51% were vacationing as couples. 69% had household incomes (before taxes) of over US$50,000. 30% earned in excess of US$100,000. Demographics
Jamaica’s Tourism Barometer Of the Total Accommodation Rooms 24,007 provided for visitors 16,569 are hotel rooms with 9,915 being All-Inclusive rooms and 6,654 in the European plan category. 3,787 are Resort Villa and Cottage rooms 2,606 are Guesthouse rooms 1,045 are apartment rooms
Jamaica’s Tourism Barometer The average hotel room occupancy in 2001 was 56.3%. 69.4% in All-Inclusive hotels 35.1% in European Plan hotels
Economic Impact Tourism contributed 48% of the Gross Export Earnings from the productive sectors in Gross Foreign Exchange Earning from Tourism in 2001 was estimated at US$1,232 million. In 1997 Tourism accounted for 8% of total GDP. For every million dollars of Tourism Final Demand, direct employment increased by 1.48 jobs.
Economic Impact The number of direct jobs generated by the Tourism Industry in 1997 is estimated at 72,280. The level of direct, indirect and induced jobs created by tourism activity was estimated at 160,762.