BTLEW Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Part One ENTER
BTLEW Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Warm-up I. Love Love II. A Song About Friendship A Song About Friendship III.Beauty of Nature Beauty of Nature IV. Story Telling Story Telling
BTLEW Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood The Little Boy and the Old Man I.Love (1) Said the little boy, "Sometimes ______________." Said the little old man, " _______________. " The little boy whispered, " ______________. " " ______________, " laughed the old man. Said the little boy, " ______________. " The old man nodded. " ______________. " I drop my spoon I do that too I wet my pants I do that too I often cry So do I Listen to the poem. Complete the spots. To be continued on the next page.
BTLEW Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood The Little Boy and the Old Man "But worst of all, " said the boy, " it seems ________________________________. " And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand. " ___________________, " said the little old man. — Shel Silverstein grown-ups don't pay attention to me I know what you mean To be continued on the next page. I.Love (1)
BTLEW The end of Love. Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood I.Love (2) Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own (1)______. Give love to your (2)_______, to your wife or husband, to a next door (3)__________ … Let no one ever come to you without leaving (4)________ and (5)________. Be the living (6)____________ of God's kindness; kindness in your (7)______, kindness in your (8)______, kindness in your (9)______, kindness in your warm (10)_________. — Mother Teresa Listen to the passage. Complete the spots. ho use children neighbor better happ ier expressio n fac e eye s smile greeti ng
BTLEW Auld Lang Syne Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brocht to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne; we’ll raise a cup o’ kindness yet for auld lang syne. Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood II.A Song About Friendship To be continued on the next page.
BTLEW Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Auld Lang Syne For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne; we’ll raise a cup o’ kindness yet for auld lang syne. To be continued on the next page. II.A Song About Friendship
BTLEW Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood 友谊地久天长 怎能忘记旧日朋友, 心中能不怀念? 旧日朋友岂能相忘, 友谊地久天长。 我们往日情意相投, 让我们紧紧握手, 让我们举杯畅饮, 友谊地久天长。 The end of A Song About Friendship. II.A Song About Friendship
BTLEW 树 在伊甸园里,在滋 生万物的草土上, 上帝栽下了美好的 树 —— 优美,高大, 仪态万千,壮丽地 耸立在上帝面前。 Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood TREES In the Garden of Eden, planted by God, There were goodly trees in the springing sod — Trees of beauty and height and grace, To stand in splendor before His face: III.Beauty of Nature poem To be continued on the next page. Translation
BTLEW 树 苹果树和山核桃树, 白蜡树和梨树,橡树 和山毛榉,还有珍贵 的鹅掌揪,摇曳的白 杨,高贵的青松,枝 条依依的榆树排列在 河堤上; Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood TREES Apple and hickory, ash and pear, Oak and beech, and the tulip rare, The trembling aspen, the noble pine, The sweeping elm by the river line; poem To be continued on the next page. III.Beauty of Nature Translation
BTLEW 树 供鸟儿在上面筑巢 和鸣唱的树, 春天里给人欢乐的 丁香树; 严霜降临便变色凋 零的树 为造物主的行走铺 设地毯; Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood TREES Trees for the birds to build and sing, And the lilac tree for a joy in spring; Trees to turn at the frosty call And carpet the ground for their Lord’s footfall; poem To be continued on the next page. III.Beauty of Nature Translation
BTLEW 树 用以结果、生火和遮 荫的树,供能工巧匠 建造房屋的树;可做 弯弓、长矛和连枷, 以及大船龙骨和桅杆 的树 —— 上帝把他们 造得千姿百态,为人 类世界各尽其才。 Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood TREES Trees for fruitage and fire and shade, Trees for the cunning builder's trade; Wood for the bow, the spear, and the flail, The keel and the mast of the daring sail— He made them of every grain and girth For the use of man in the Garden of Earth. poem To be continued on the next page. III.Beauty of Nature Translation
BTLEW 树 他唯恐世人只知坐 享天工,却忘了赐 予这一切的天堂之 主,于是在山顶上, 上帝栽下了红彤彤 的枫树,让世人共 睹。 Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood TREES Then lest the soul should not lift her eyes From the gift to the Giver of Paradise, On the crown of a hill, for all to see, God planted a scarlet maple tree. by Bliss Carman poem The end of Beauty of Nature. III.Beauty of Nature Translation
BTLEW Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood IV.Story Telling Work in groups. Your imagination is encouraged! Make up a story with the following elements. woodlandsan owl a boy shortbread an old lady a cottage To be continued on the next page.
BTLEW Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Compare your story with the text. Have you found anything unexpected? IV.Story Telling The end of Story Telling.
BTLEW Lesson 4 - Wisdom of Bear Wood Part One This is the end of Part One. Please click HOME to visit other parts. HOME