BIOGRAPHY: Edward Williams Redfield, was born on the 18th december 1869,died on the 19th october Redfield was an American Impressionist landscape painter and the member of the art colony at New Hope, Pennsylvania. The impressionist landscapes of Edward Redfield are noted for their bold application of paint and vibrant colours. Redfield painted “en plein air”, directly from nature rather than in a studio. He would often carry a large canvas into the snow, set it on an easel, and vigorously paint an entire scene in one standing over the course of a day
This painting conveys the idea of quietness, malan chony and happiness for someone, given by the clear colours. The houses are modern, detailed and accurated. The winter season suggests cold feelings and the desire to be at home
The houses are not elegant, but rural, poor and humble. It seems a working day because people are busy in their works as usual. The feelings are sadness and loneliness.
The snow melted down and the spring arrived. The cottage is old, farmers are working in the field. The cottage colours put in evidence the building. The feeling is relaxed because the landscape is full of flowers. The style of this painting is different from the others because the brushes are heavier and larger. Artwork