2 Ranges and Club Successes 2013 Successful Application to CFO to be a recognized shooting club We are now officially one club: Bancroft District Fish and Game Protective Association Club House Upgrade to Washrooms 50 th Anniversary as a Club
3 Range Definitions All members are required to take at a minimum one of either the Range Safety Officer Course (preferred) or the Club Level Safety course Range Safety Officer (RSO) - The RSO has complete authority on the range conduct authorized shooting practices and matches responsibility to supervise all personnel may have persons removed at his / her discretion have a valid Range Safety Officer certification Shooting Alone - Only 1 person and firearm in the act of shooting for the purpose on engaging targets. Without anyone or anything else; not involving or including anyone or anything else. Unless shooting under the direct supervision of a Range Safety Officer as defined above
Range Safety Officer Additional Responsibilities Report any maintenance issues to the Range committee Report any Safety Concerns to the Range Committee Range Committee 4
Range Safety Officer Continued 5 Target is required to be against backstop. Example of a safety violation
6 Courses 1.Range Safety Officer (RSO) Certification Course Strongly Encourage all Members to take this course 2.Authorization to Transport (ATT) Certificate Course Requirement of CF0’s Office Allows user to transport Restricted Firearms to and from Club 3.Club Level Safety (CLS) Allows Members Access to Range (Key) CFO Requirement all members of shooting club to receive safety Training Member Shoots Alone
Required 3 Shoots 1. All new members required to have 3 supervised shoots at a minimum 2. More supervised shoots may be required 3. Each Discipline has a requirement for supervised shoots 4. For example if you shoot long gun you will be required to have minimum 3 shoots using long gun 5. Additionally, if you shoot handguns minimum 3 shoots required 6. Trap and Skeet will require minimum of 3 supervised shoots as well 7. Certified RSO’s approved by the executive or a member of the executive that is a qualified RSO may supervise shoots 8. Members requiring a club ATT require minimum 3 shoots Three Supervised Shoots in Practice Member A would like to use both long gun and Handguns on the Rifle and Handgun Range. 1. Member is required to have minimum 3 supervised shoots using his long Gun 2. Member is required to have minimum 3 supervised shoots using a Handgun Member B would like to use a long gun (rifle) and Shoot Trap or Skeet (Shotgun) 1. Member is required to have minimum 3 supervised shoots using his long Gun 2. Member is required to have minimum 3 supervised shoots using a Shotgun on the Skeet and Trap Range 7
Frequently Asked Questions (CFO) 1) I will be staying at my cottage for 2 months in the summer. Does by current authorization to transport which allows me to transport to and from the shooting range cover me? Answer:You are required to call the CFO for principal residence change or alternate storage at the cottage. 2) An ATT has expired; because it was issued to the expiry date of the individuals firearms license. The individual has now renewed there license. Is it the club’s or the individuals responsibility to send a request to the CFO to renew the ATT? Answer:It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that their license is renewed an that they have a valid ATT 8
Frequently Asked Questions (CFO) 3) It is the Clubs responsibility to apply for the ATT’s for their members. Who is responsible for keeping track of the expiry date of ATT’s Answer:It is the individuals responsibility to keep track of their own ATT. 4) If frangible bullets are used, do we have to shroud the steel ? Answer:If using frangible bullets there is no need to shroud. Frangible Bullets Defined – A frangible bullet is one that is designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety. Some Varmint bullets are frangible. 9
New Fees Family Membership - $190 per year Single Membership - $ 170 per year Junior Membership - $ 45 per year We must be 100% affiliated with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters for Insurance Purposes 10
New Volunteer Hours 10 Volunteer Hours per membership 10 Volunteer Hours at approved volunteer activities Approved Volunteer Activities may include: any club events throughout the year per the events page or events approved by the board of directors Applies to a $50 credit on your 2015 membership renewal 11
How it Works Member is responsible for log sheet Log sheet is available on our Website erships/ erships/ Volunteer hours are signed off by a member of your 2014 executive. Provide a copy of your completed log to the treasurer. 12
Why the Increase in Fees? Membership Fee Analysis.xlsx To Allow the Club to better service its members Allows for funds to maintain existing club assets Allows for funds to expand / improve current offerings (improvements) 13
Comparison Year over Year AGM Year over Year Comparative Financials.xlsx 14