San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala continued… (Part 3)
Coffee program The best-tasting coffee in the world is grown under conditions identical to those in San Lucas Tolimán: high-elevation, volcanic soil, sub-tropical climate. The coffee program follows the subsidiarity principle in that the majority of the steps of production take place in San Lucas. Therefore, the majority of the value-added stays in San Lucas, creating jobs, income, and wealth. Since it is non-profit, the program pays farmers more than twice the market price.
Coffee program continued… In addition to the beneficial economic effects, the program strives to be ecologically sustainable. If something is sustainable, then theoretically, it could be done forever within the confines of the earth’s carrying capacity. At every stage of coffee processing, there is recycling of all waste products. For example, the outer pulp is used for compost. The water used to remove the inner mucilage layer is used to irrigate crops on the experimental farm. The inner protective layer is spun off and used as mulch for crops…
Coffee farmers bringing their crop to the weigh-in station.
Matea Perez: One of only a handful of female coffee growers
Daniel: Hand-sorting the coffee beans.
Coffee roasting: Value added right there in San Lucas.
Heat-sealing the inner-foil coffee bags: one more job that stays in San Lucas.
Milton de Leon screen printing “Juan Ana” logos onto coffee bags. Another job that stays in San Lucas.
Cottage industry: coffee bag stitching (Doña Vicenta and her kids Wilmer, Cllaudia, and Jessica)
Wilmer putting on the final touches. Note the “Juan Ana” logo.
Final product
To order coffee? Contact the Diocese offices in New Ulm, MN (507) $7.00/17 oz. bag, plus shipping charges
Fuel efficient stove program Most people in the world cook using open fires. Typical arrangement? Wood fire with 3 stones supporting a boiling pot or iron cooking surface. Problems? Open fires burn quickly and consume enormous quantities of wood, contributing to deforestation. For families without land and trees, it is costly to buy wood from the marketplace. Fumes from the fire are inhaled directly into the lungs, especially women and children, contributing to pulmonary disease, the #1 killer. Other dangers include burns and scalding.
Open cooking fire: Note the fumes and the variety of accidents waiting to happen.
Fuel efficient stoves, continued… The parroquia addresses the above problems through a fuel efficient stove program: The stoves are constructed of concrete blocks, bricks, mortar, soil, a metal cooking surface (plancha), and a vent. They burn less than ½ the amount of wood as an open fire. The vent takes the fumes out of the kitchen. The fire and cooking surface are removed from the reach of small children. The construction uses local materials and labor.
Cutting a concrete block with a machete: another example of culturally appropriate technology.
16 yr. old Taylor learning to build a stove by 16 yr. old (former) program manager Dany Ajcalan
A completed stove brings happy faces (for many reasons).