Menu Engineering Oğuz Benice Bilkent University School of Tourism & Hotel Management
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
popularity Milano ? profit RUNNERS OR PLOWHORSES WINNERS OR STARS % 8.33 profit $ 3.69 $ 6740.- / 5100 guests LOSERS OR DOGS SLEEPERS OR PUZZLES
popularity Milano Vegeterian ? profit RUNNERS OR PLOWHORSES WINNERS OR STARS % 10.17 Milano Vegeterian ? % 8.33 profit $ 3.69 $ 6740.- / 5100 guests $ 4.50 LOSERS OR DOGS SLEEPERS OR PUZZLES
popularity Vegeterian Milano profit Roma ? RUNNERS OR PLOWHORSES % 12.43 RUNNERS OR PLOWHORSES WINNERS OR STARS % 10.17 Milano % 8.33 profit $ 3.69 $ 6740.- / 5100 guests $ 2.40 $ 4.50 Roma ? LOSERS OR DOGS SLEEPERS OR PUZZLES
popularity Vegeterian Milano profit Firenze ? Roma % 12.43 RUNNERS OR PLOWHORSES WINNERS OR STARS % 10.17 Milano % 8.33 profit $ 3.69 $ 6740.- / 5100 guests $ 2.40 $ 4.50 $ 6.00 % 6.21 Firenze ? Roma LOSERS OR DOGS SLEEPERS OR PUZZLES
popularity Vegeterian Milano profit Firenze Roma WINNERS OR STARS % 12.43 RUNNERS OR PLOWHORSES WINNERS OR STARS % 10.17 Milano % 8.33 profit $ 3.69 $ 6740.- / 5100 guests $ 2.40 $ 2.80 $ 4.50 $ 6.00 Firenze % 4.24 % 6.21 Roma LOSERS OR DOGS SLEEPERS OR PUZZLES
Action Plan MENU ANALYSIS Winners or Stars (high profit and high popularity): don't touch this item or increase a little bit the price. Runners or Plowhorses (low profit and high popularity): increase the price or decrease cost (reduce portion size, decrease food quality) except for signature items. Sleepers or Puzzles (high profit and low popularity): decrease the price, change the name for attractiveness, change the recipe, relocate on the menu or promote this item. Losers or Dogs (low profit and low popularity): abandon this item, increase the price to make it a sleeper, or reduce the price to make it a runner.
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
$ 6740.- / 5100 guests
Menu Engineering (20 pts) Graph (10 pts) Action Plan (20 pts) $ 6740.- / 5100 guests Menu Engineering (20 pts) Graph (10 pts) Action Plan (20 pts)
Menu Engineering (20 pts) Graph (10 pts) Action Plan (20 pts) $ 6740.- / 5100 guests Menu Engineering (20 pts) Graph (10 pts) Action Plan (20 pts)