Toronto Police Service Wellness Program Good afternoon. Today I will be presenting on the Wellness program and on what it has meant to the Service and our members. It has become common knowledge that a healthy workforce is a ultimately productive workforce. Wellness programs are becoming the corporate norm as employers begin to fully understand the effects of unhealthy employees to the bottom-line. Through all of the programs that have been developed, the Toronto Police Service is definitely leading this area among policing agencies. Research has shown that if we are able to address some of the challenges facing our members, we will decrease the risk factors for chronic disease, reduce stress, lower medical and productivity costs, lower the absenteeism costs, while improving job retention and satisfaction. As the Deputy Chief, I am very proud of the work that we’ve been able to accomplish. I have seen the first-hand impact on the members of the Service, and have received positive feedback from those who have participated in the fitness classes, the nutrition consultations, and even the fatigue management workshop. I will now begin my presentation. June 23, 2009 Kim A. McClelland, R.N.C.O.H.N.C. CCP Wellness Coordinator, Human Resources Command
Toronto Police Service Largest Municipal Police Service in Canada 5th Largest Municipal Police Service in North America Over 8,000 employees 5,500 Police Officers – 2,500 Civilian Police Officers, Court Officers, Parking Enforcement, Communications, IT, Finance, administration staff and other specialized functions 25 major locations and diverse facilities 24/7 Operations $850M Budget For the next 10 minutes, I will give you a brief history of the Wellness Program at the Toronto Police Service. I will give an overview of the programs which we are running, accompanied by the measurements of these programs. I will speak briefly on the opportunities that we have to improve the program, and I will highlight the awards which we’ve won to date. Lastly, I will touch on the upcoming initiatives over the next 2 years. At the end of my presentation, I welcome the opportunity to answer all of your questions. I also have members of the Global Wellness Committee on hand to answer any program specific questions. **please note that Aileen Ashman, Kim McLelland, Dr. Vipari, and Kevin Darby will be at the meeting** Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Excellence Through People & Partnerships Our Environment Paramilitary - Civilian and uniform personnel Multiple collective bargaining units Management styles and expectations of youth Diversity of job functions Diverse workforce Multiple locations – 25 major facilities Multiple shifts, five week rotation Unpredictable hours Unpredictable environment Critical Incidents – high stress Work from sedentary to suddenly highly physical Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Excellence Through People & Partnerships History First wellness programs began in 1990”s, health promotion committee, early initiatives included smoking cessation and Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) to help members deal with Substance Abuse Pilot project in Parking Enforcement Unit in response to low morale 2003 Full time Wellness Coordinator hired (Kim McClelland) (Commitment) National Quality Institute Healthy Workplace Criteria (HW-PEP) introduced at first Global Wellness Committee Meeting Needs Assessment – First Step in the Journey The Toronto Police Service first began looking at health and wellness issues in 1999 In 2002, a Wellness Coordinator was hired In this same year, the National Quality Institute’s “roadmap to a healthy workplace” was formally adopted. The NQI is an independent, not-for-profit, organization that is committed to advancing organizational excellence across Canada. Founded by Industry Canada, the NQI is the only institute of its kind, with the sole ability of certifying organizations as “healthy”. Working with the Diabetes Association and a Nutritionist from Nu-Vitality, wellness programming began on cardiovascular, hypertension, diabetes, stress, and nutrition Shortly thereafter, the Service contracted Connex Health Consulting to begin a workplace assessment process In 2006, Connex developed “Health Risk and Productivity Assessment” survey for members, and the results were released in 2007 Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Assessment and Planning 2003/2004 Health Evidence – Connex Health Consulting – examined Benefits trends, health and absenteeism. High incidence chronic diseases largely preventable through lifestyle changes 2005/2006 Health Risk Assessment Survey (HRA) – Connex Health Consulting – 28% participation, 47% from Field units Results – Organizational Health and Employee Health Several areas of concern were highlighted in the survey, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, nutrition, lack of fitness, stress and work-life balance The Workplace Health and Wellness strategy was then created by the Global Wellness Committee to reflect the diverse demands of members. The goals of the strategy were identified as: Improvement of individual health of members Creation of a healthy organizational culture Improved service to community Becoming an “employer of choice” Following national benchmarks for a healthy workplace Measuring outcomes of interventions Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Excellence Through People & Partnerships Police Officer Health Issues Fatigue Poor Diet High Stress Job Critical Incidents Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Depression Suicide Overweight High Blood Pressure Heart Problems Cholesterol Diabetes Alcohol Use Smoking Back Problems How did we deal with these issues? Good benefits – post incident Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Excellence Through People & Partnerships Wellness Program at a Glance With a wellness strategy in place, the Global Wellness committee developed a 3-year operational plan to address the health and wellness issues facing the members of the Toronto Police. The committee also submitted an application to the National Quality Institute for the “Healthy Workplace Progressive Excellence Program Awards). There are four levels to complete before being certified by the NQI as a healthy workplace: Level 1 focuses on senior management and organizational commitment; Level 2 builds on the commitment and focuses on systemic planning processes; Level 3 is the implementation of those plans and programs; and Level 4 is continued implementation and evaluation, while making improvements and adjustments to the programs that are in place. This past Fall, we received Level 2 and we are well on our way to achieving Level 3. Sanofi Aventis - In 2007, a pilot study was facilitated by Connex and Sanofi – a pharmaceutical company to perform individual risk assessments, blood screening for cholesterol, blood glucose levels, blood pressure testing, and to determine body composition. Participants were provided with lifestyle counselling and referrals to physicians. Each participant received a certificate for completing the program. This program ran for 2 years, with Sanofi using the best in their technology ($20 000), staff and resources ($150 000). This partnership was valued at just over $170 000, however came at no cost to the Toronto Police Service. Healthy Eating Program – The healthy eating program is one of our most popular classes. Registered Nutritionist Lisa Tsakos facilitated several 8-week nutrition classes that taught members how to assess their current diet, how to understand nutrition, and how to make healthy food choices. The Biggest Loser Challenge - a weight loss competition, much like the tv show. Members were awarded with prizes and lieu time for their participation in the contest. Fitness Program – PC Kevin Darby ran several beginner, intermediate, and advanced 8-week fitness classes at HQ, ETF, Intelligence Services, Hold Up Squad, HQ, 11 Division, and 41 Division. His classes were intense with a focus on corrective exercises. Many of the programs participants were (painfully) pleased with the results. Fatigue Management – last fall Dr. Samuels came from Calgary, Alberta to provide educational tools to deal with fatigue from a performance and risk management perspective. This session was for Senior Officers only, however it will be rolled out Service-wide. Dr. Samuels also stayed for 3 extra days to provide “Train the Trainer” training for members of the Service who will be responsible for facilitating these workshops in the future. Wellness Fair – Wellness practitioners such as registered massage therapists, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, mental health organizations, and companies specializing in fitness, physiotherapy, and skin attended. The purpose of the fair was to connect employees with resources that can help them to make positive and healthy change in their lives. Family Day – these days are scheduled to coincide with the graduating classes 3-4 times a year, with the purpose of educating and assisting Service members’ families in supporting members. Families spend a day learning about the Service, as well as nutrition, fitness, stress and fatigue management, the chaplaincy, EFAP and Psychological Services. These days have been widely successful and families have emailed and called to express their thanks and gratitude towards the Service for involving them and teaching them how to support their loved ones. Psychology Month – During Psychology Month (February), Psychological Services hosts activities including: educational sessions for civilians regarding strategies for emotional health; interactive access for uniform officers to a video on emotional survival in law enforcement; and an evening workshop for police families on strategies for coping with the stresses of being a police family. Psych Services also provides regular psychological health promotion visits with Child Exploitation and Technological Crimes officers exposed to child exploitation images as part of a pilot project health promotion project. I would also like to note that there are fitness programs that run daily at noon in our facilities here at headquarters. I am told that the most popular class is “step interval with weights” which runs every Monday with our very own TPS Instructors Kellie O’Connor (Chief’s Office), Valerie Buchanan (ITS), and Julie Chollet (Info & Security). Their class and others are listed in the each elevator here, and members are free and welcome to attend any fitness class they like. Excellence Through People & Partnerships
The goals of the wellness strategy were identified as: Improvement of individual health of members Creation of a healthy organizational culture Improved service to community Becoming an “employer of choice” Following national benchmarks for a healthy workplace Measuring outcomes of interventions Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Excellence Through People & Partnerships Wellness Programs Field Presentations and risk screening Sanofi Aventis Healthy Eating Program “Biggest Loser Challenge” Fitness Program (pilot) Fatigue Management Wellness Fair Family Day Psychology Month Colorectal Cancer Program with Sunnybrook Hospital Flu Clinics Stress Management CROS training Leadership and Supervisor Training Individual wellness counseling on stress, health issues, supplements and bowel health Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Excellence Through People & Partnerships Measurements The following statistics prove the success of the most popular Wellness initiative: Nutrition: Healthy Eating Program, Biggest Loser and Individual private consultations 2003/2006 – 350 (estimate) 2007 – 850 2008 – 2242 2009 (as of June 1) 1139 We have tools in place to assess the outcomes of all of these programs to ensure that we aren’t just running these programs for the sake of saying that we are. Measurements are a key factor in accountability and following numbers prove the success of the most popular Wellness initiatives: Healthy Eating Program: There were 624 participants (52.5% Males, 47.5% Females) in the healthy eating classes. The classes ran for 8 weeks. On average, members who participated in the program lost an average of 6lbs. They also saw a 2% body fat reduction and a waist/hip reduction of 2 inches. “Biggest Loser Challenge” (results for HQ): 181 members signed up for this fun weight loss challenge, and 90 returned for results. At the end, there was a total of 282lbs that were lost, and a total of 218 inches There is currently a “Biggest Loser Challenge” taking place at Communication Services, with the results coming at the end of this month. Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Measurement Parameters Pre- & Post surveys. Fatigue - knowledge transfer questionaires Physical parameters. Blood work, waist/hip ratio, % body fat HRA and Health Evidence every 3 – 5 years Participation/feedback Connex Database Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Areas for Opportunities Communication Awareness/Wellness Champions Consistency Central Coordination Resources Through the NQI assessment process, coupled with member feedback, several opportunities for improvement have presented themselves: Communication: Continue to improve communication and involve members in all functions of the Service in wellness planning, programming and implementation. This will be done through an enhanced communication strategy which involves disseminating useful information through the intranet and the Badge. Awareness: Continue to improve awareness regarding chronic disease prevention and education Consistency: Consistency in practices across the Service, allowing all employees to attend wellness initiatives during work hours. Central Coordination: Central coordination of wellness activities, communication, program scheduling and consistent data capture of wellness initiatives Resources: the lack of resources (only one Wellness Coordinator, one Nutritionist, and one Fitness Instructor) do create challenges in delivery of service for all 7000 members of the Service. The Global Wellness Committee is currently looking at innovative ways to effectively address this challenge. Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Excellence Through People & Partnerships New Initiatives NQI Level 3/Level 4 Fatigue Management for all members Back Health Fitness Program expansion Health Care Education Work/Life Balance Program As you can see, there is a lot happening with wellness. What we are finding as we roll out programs is that the need in the Service is great in many areas. The Global Wellness Committee has found that in order to meet the diverse needs of our members, new programs targeting specific issues must be implemented. Some of these new initiatives are: NQI Certification: Level 3 – Having attained levels 1 & 2 in the certification process, Level 3 looks at planning, programming, and implementation. The Toronto Police Service is actually very close to attaining Level 3, having implemented many wellness programs to date. A Level 3 application is currently being processed and will be submitted this Fall. Fatigue Management – on the heels of the successful training to the Senior Officers, the Global Wellness Committee is planning to organize fatigue management training for all members of the Service. Our goal is to have all members attend the lectures by the end of 2009. This will be done through our CROSS program as well as our 1-Day Use of Force training. I’m happy to report that this training began last week, and will continue throughout the year. Back Health Initiative – A formal partnership the University of Waterloo University – Spine Biomechanics Laboratory – has commenced to develop a back health screening model for the Toronto Police Service Fitness Program Expansion – the fitness program will expand to four skill levels which includes exercise pictures and instructional videos available online with the purpose of addressing common structural imbalances. Health Care Education – this involves a more comprehensive communications strategy using the Badge, intranet, routine orders, videos, cds, and brochures sent throughout the Service Work/Life Balance program – this new and exciting “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” initiative will teach stress resilience and lifestyle management to program participants. Members will learn how to effectively deal with the ups and downs of life. This program will begin in April 2009 and will be administered by Dr. Vipari of Psychological Services and our Wellness Coordinator, Kim McLelland. Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Keys to Successful Wellness Programs Need based, not flavour of the month Authentic/meaningful to employees Variety and based on measurement and evaluation data Beware of duplicity – cannot talk value of wellness in a toxic culture Must support initiatives with cultural change and policies that support wellness Availability to all employees Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Low Budget Wellness Program Parameters Train the Trainer In-house expertise -Fitness Students/coop Pilot Program Partnerships and Studies –Colon Cancer study with Sunnybrook Hospital Incorporate into existing programs – Leadership training Utilizing public and community partners Excellence Through People & Partnerships
Excellence Through People & Partnerships Conclusion Healthier workplace Increased awareness of health issues Great employee feedback/engagement TPS as a resource From the wellness program alone, we have seen very positive results in several areas: We have a healthier workplace We have educated our members about nutrition and fitness and have empowered them to make healthier choices We have seen a lot of participation in the programs that are offered We have fielded calls from other police services and corporations about how our wellness program is run. Members have also travelled and given lectures in Canada and the US on the TPS Wellness Program The Wellness program fits into the overall mandate of the Toronto Police Service, the Human Resources Strategic Plan, and it is helping us to build a healthy work environment that attracts the best and brightest to this organization. The Wellness Program, in conjunction with other programs, is what ensures Toronto Police’s status as “Employer of Choice” Excellence Through People & Partnerships