The Election of 1804 and The Election of 1984
The Election of 1804
Was a Federalist - Served for Washington in several offices - Thomas Jefferson was the favorite to win reelection -Jefferson was highly popular after the Louisiana Purchase -Jefferson also repealed the excise of tax on whiskey
Jefferson vs. Pinckney Jefferson was widely popular because of his purchase of the Louisiana territory Jefferson was also known for his involvement in politics In 1804 the first official nominating caucus was held Louisiana Purchase
The Issues The main issues: – to reduce import taxes from all countries – in what ways to use the newly gain Louisiana Territory – reduce national debt – Barbary war
The Barbary War Jefferson had decided to refuse the continued paying of the tribute that pirates of the Barbary States had received for decades 1805 – Jefferson signs treaty to end the Barbary War
New to 1804 Under the twelfth amendment votes must be cast for vice president Previously votes were cast for only President, and the second place candidate would be Vice President First Presidential caucus was held in th Amendment
The Election of 1984
1984 – Reagan Reagan won his arguments with humor and mundane criticism Reagan won the election with and 18 point margin The election revolved around the issues of deficit and tariff barriers Campaign logo
1984 – Walter F. Mondale Jimmy Carters vice president in the earlier election From Minnesota Served as a Senator Had the First women Vice President Campaign logo Geraldine Ferraro
1984 Reagan was widely popular with his involvement in trying to tear down the Berlin wall Reagan’s second term in office Berlin wall
The Issues Deficit of the United States Tariff Barriers Equal Right Amendments
New to 1984 The First candidate to claim 49 of 50 states The first serious black candidate ran. (Jessie Jackson) The participation of the election was at 53.1% Chart showing electoral vote
New to 1984 Reagan was the oldest President to serve in office in 1984 Mondale received the fewest votes of any major Presidential candidate 1984 election was the last time that a Republican presidential candidate won the states of Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin.
The election of 1804 and the election of 1984 were both blow outs Both winning candidates were highly popular with the American people The two losing candidates had both been in offices before running for President Both wining candidates had ran for President two times before and won one of the two
Much older candidate (1984) The election of 1984 had a third party with a black man running 1984: loser won his home state – 1804: loser lost his home state Pinckney was the only candidate out of both elections to have a family full of politics
Influence on A merica Louisiana Purchase Stopped the Barbary War Helped convince Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin wall Reagan and Gorbachev
One of Mondale’s Campaign ideas
Ronald Reagan's idea for “Star Wars” Political cartoon joking about “Star Wars”
Picture Work Citied The American Presidency Project, Gerhard Peters. "Election of 1984." The American Presidency Project. The American Preidency Project, 1 Jan Web. 21 Jan Wolf, Julie. Mikhail Gorbachev The American Ecperience. PBS online, Web. 26 Jan Mutieducator inc N.d. Mutieducator inc., n.d. Web. 1 Feb Ronald Reagan. 6 Nov University of Connecticut, Web. 25 Jan Walter Mondale. 6 Nov University of Connecticut, Web. 25 Jan electoral vote. 6 Nov University of Connecticut, Web. 25 Jan Star Wars. 1980's. TIME magizine. Web. 1 Feb