THE FOUR SKILLS: SENDING: SPEAKING WRITING RECEIVING: LISTENING READING Each skill may need a separate approach, or they may be integrated into a single approach.
V. DEVELOPING ORAL SKILLS 3. Use of the phonetic script and the (Pronouncing) Dictionary
V. DEVELOPING ORAL SKILLS (continued) 4. Pronunciation of Sentences: intonation and rhythm
Vowels of English (Pure Vowels/Monophthongs) initiallymediallyfinally 1. /i:/ eastsheetkey 2. /I/ ithitduty 3. /e / endsend 4. /æ/ and sand 5. /a:/ artheart car 6. / ɒ / oxfox
Vowels of English (continued) initiallymediallyfinally 7. / ɔ :/ allball saw 8. /U/ put 9. /u:/oozechoosechew 10./ /upcup 11./з:/earnlearn stir 12./ə/ agopolicemaker
Vowels of English (continued) Diphthongs 13. /e ɪ / eightstraightstay 14. /ə ʊ / oakjoke slow 15. /a ɪ / icemicemy 16./a ʊ / outshouthow 17. / ɔɪ / oilboilboy 18. / ɪ ə/ earsbeardpeer 19. /eə/ airspairedhare 20. /uə/ curedtour
Consonants of English initiallymediallyfinally 1. /p/ pin spinkeep 2. /b/ bintubsclub 3. /t/ tell sticklight 4. /d/ day headslaid 5. /k/ keep skillstick 6. /g/ getjugsbag
Consonants of English (continued) initiallymediallyfinally 7. / ʧ / chin reachedteach 8. / ʤ / jokehingedlarge 9. /m/ metsmoke team 10. /n/ netsnaketin 11. /ŋ/ ringssing 12. /l/ lotflingfull
Consonants of English (continued) initiallymediallyfinally 13 /f/ fansoftif 14. /v/ vanleavesthief 15. / ɵ / thinmonthsbath 16./ ð / thenclothesbathe
Consonants of English (continued) initiallymediallyfinally 17. /s/ siplistless 18. /z/ ziploserbuzz 19. / ʃ / shiprushedhush 20. / ʒ / measurerouge
Consonants of English (continued) initiallymediallyfinally 21. /h/ hotbehave 22. /r/ rottry 23. /w/ wattsweat 24. /j/ yatchtune
Word-stress Two-syllable words Stress on first syllable ‘bargain ‘govern ‘secret ‘mischief ‘message ‘cabbage ‘surface ‘furnace ‘husband ‘butcher ‘proverb ‘thorough ‘oven ‘onion ‘compass
Word-stress (continued) Stress on second syllable ad’mit for’bid suc’ced sup’press po’lice pay’ee dis’miss ag’ree se’lect re’quest pre’fer re’fer oc’cur ar’rest com’mence per’haps
DEVELOPING ORAL SKILLS (continued) 3. Use of the phonetic script and the (Pronouncing) Dictionary: International Phonetic Alphabet: free downloading is possible Dictionaries on CD : listening to the pronunciation and it variety (e.g. British & American) now possible
DEVELOPING ORAL SKILLS (continued) 4. Pronunciation of Sentences: intonation and rhythm INTONATION: rising / (yes /) falling \ (yes \) combination \/ (yes \/) RHYTHM: de dum de dum x ’x ’
Vowel sounds of English (Pure Vowels/Monophthongs) initiallymediallyfinally 1. /i:/ eastsheetkey 2. /I/ ithitduty 3. /e / endsend 4. /æ/ and sand 5. /a:/ artheart car 6. / ɒ / oxfox
Vowel sounds of English initiallymediallyfinally 7. / ɔ :/ allball saw 8. /U/ put 9. /u:/oozechoosechew 10./ /upcup 11./з:/earnlearn stir 12. /ə/agopolicemaker
Vowel sounds of English ) Diphthongs 13. /e ɪ / eightstraightstay 14. /ə ʊ / oakjoke slow 15. /a ɪ / icemicemy 16./a ʊ / outshouthow 17. / ɔɪ / oilboilboy 18. / ɪ ə/ earsbeardpeer 19. /eə/ airspairedhare 20. /uə/ curedtour
Consonant sounds of English initiallymediallyfinally 1. /p/ pin spinkeep 2. /b/ bintubsclub 3. /t/ tell sticklight 4. /d/ day headslaid 5. /k/ keep skillstick 6. /g/ getjugsbag
Consonant sounds of English (continued) initiallymediallyfinally 7. / ʧ / chin reachedteach 8. / ʤ / jokehingedlarge 9. /m/ metsmoke team 10. /n/ netsnaketin 11. /ŋ/ ringssing 12. /l/ lotflingfull
Consonant sounds of English (continued) initiallymediallyfinally 13 /f/ fansoftif 14. /v/ vanleavesthief 15. / ɵ / thinmonthsbath 16./ ð / thenclothesbathe
Consonant sounds of English (continued) initiallymediallyfinally 17. /s/ siplistless 18. /z/ ziploserbuzz 19. / ʃ / shiprushedhush 20. / ʒ / measurerouge
Consonant sounds of English (continued) initiallymediallyfinally 21. /h/ hotbehave 22. /r/ rottry 23. /w/ wattsweat 24. /j/ yatchtune
Word-stress Two-syllable words Stress on first syllable ‘bargain ‘govern ‘secret ‘mischief ‘message ‘cabbage ‘surface ‘furnace ‘husband ‘butcher ‘proverb ‘thorough ‘oven ‘onion ‘compass
Word-stress ) Two-syllable words Stress on second syllable ad’mit for’bid suc’ced sup’press po’lice pay’ee dis’miss ag’ree se’lect re’quest pre’fer re’fer oc’cur ar’rest com’mence per’haps
Word-stress ) Three-syllable words Stress on first syllable ’advertise ’educate ’illustrate ’furniture ’government ’literature ’recognize ’signature ’tentative Stress on second syllable ad’venture com’mercial de’cision ex’ternal in’ternal per’mission re’vision spec’tator um’brella
Word-stress Three-syllable words Primary Stress on third syllable,addres’see,ciga’rette,coin’cide,devo’tee,engi’neer,guaran’tee,recom’mend
Word-stress Four-syllable words Primary Stress on first syllable ’applicable ’accurately ’comfortable ’honourable Primary Stress on second syllable ad’vertisement ap’preciate a’rithmetic e’xaggerate par’ticipate pho’tography
Word-stress Four-syllable words Primary Stress on third syllable acci’dental appli’cation exhi’bition inde’pendent indi’vidual Primary Stress on fourth syllable dedica’tee exami’nee
Word-stress (words with more than four syllables Primary Stress on first syllable ‘favouritism ‘cannibalism ‘secularism Primary Stress on second syllable ad’venturousness en’thusiasm con’servatism Primary Stress on third syllable elec’tricity irre’sponsible popu’larity Primary Stress on fourth syllable acade’mician civili’zation pactici’pation
Word-stress stress change according to part of speech COMPARE: Noun/AdjectiveVerb ’absentab’sent ’accentac’cent ’concertcon’cert ’conflictcon’flict ’exportex’port ’producepro’duce ’subjectsub’ject