George Street’s Beyond the Hurt Program
Who We Are and What We Do We are anti-bullying crusaders at George Street Middle School who wish for all students to be able to come to school without the worry of being bullied.
Why We Are Here To make you more aware of what bullying is and is not. To make you understand how hurtful bullying can be to the victim.
Crumpled Paper Activity Please follow our instructions as we take you through this activity.
Bullying Is…………….. Intentional Unwanted Repeated Hurtful
Bullying Is Not……….. Unintentionally hurting someone’s feelings. Playful and wanted teasing by both parties.
The 3 Sides of Bullying The bully, the victim, and the bystander. At one time or another, we have all been EACH OF THESE THINGS.
Types Physical Verbal Relational / Social Cyber Bullying
Our Main Focus Verbal bullying is the most common form of bullying for young people. Therefore, it will be our main focus in this presentation.
What’s considered to be verbal bullying? Verbal bullying can be name calling, making fun of someone, and/or labelling them (geek, loser, etc.) -voxM
What’s not acceptable Just Kidding is NOT acceptable. Its NOT an excuse. It IS bullying. Don’t say anything you wouldn’t say to your best friend. If you don’t know what the person’s reaction will be (ex: laugh it off, take it personally, etc.) then don’t say anything at all.
What to do if you are being targeted: A void being alone with the person who bullies you. C all (ask) for help (friend, teacher, principal, parent). T ake a stand- tell the person bullying to stop the behavior.
You Have a Choice All of us have a choice when we see bullying going on. We can do nothing, we can join in with the bully or we can help the victim. What choice are you going to make?
Questions/Comments Do you have any final questions or comments?