By: Elleanor.S
It was very hard being Charlie Gordon before the operation. Charlie’s tone has changed since the operation. He’s using correct punctuations. He speaks with proper etiquette. Many might say he’s speaking “proper English” His diction and syntax has gone beyond excellent. His choice of words have gone from “rite” to “right”. All these give us clues that Charlie is becoming very intelligent.
For example he used to spell the word operation like this “operasun”, now he spells it the right way. He used to write run-on sentences now he revives them and looks over them. Looking back over his progress reports he’s realized how awful and sad his writings used to be. He uses correct grammar and puts sentences in the right order.
Charlie’s relationships with Drs. Numer and Strauss is becoming weird and distant. Watching Algernon’s behavior, they think he’s going to start behaving the same. Algernon has been behaving violent and uncooperative. They’re afraid he’s going to start acting strange and dangerous like Algernon. They order him to stop coming to the lab and seeing Algernon
Charlie’s land lady is very worried about him because he’s been staying indoors lately. He refuses to come out and see anyone. She thinks he’s going to die because of the way he acts. He doesn’t eat or come out. He stays in his apartment all day. His co-workers have totally done a 360 on him. They all sign a petition to have him fired. He’s alone and has no one. His “friends” have cut him off and refused to be around him. He refuses to see Miss. Kinnian. He doesn’t want her seeing him sick and think he’s a loser. He’s all alone in his apartment
At this point Charlie has realized that he’s losing track of time and things around him. He’s starting to forget things. The surgery is finally taking its toll on Charlie. He’s seen the way Algernon has been acting and is certain the same is going to happen to him. He Starts The Algernon-Gordon Effect to record what happened to Algernon and what’s going to happen to him. He does his own little research to find answers to what’s happening to him and why he's starting to forget things. As he’s doing this he stars forgetting how to read and understand things. He’s losing his ability to understand things no doubt. Is he going to end up like Algernon……Dead?