How Shall We Live in Volusia? Shelley Lauten Director, June 16, 2007 Began in 1999 Phase I – About 3,000 citizens engaged –About 300 Government, Civic and Business Leaders – Began at the Orlando Regional Chamber of Commerce
Leadership Question How Can Central Florida Compete in the Global Economy and Maintain a High Standard Quality of Life?
Central Florida Counties Brevard, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Polk, Seminole and Volusia 86 Cities Public, Private and Civic Leaders
Regional Priority Areas Economic Leadership Education Environment Fragmentation Quality of Life Smart, Quality Growth
, ,521, ,123,770 Central Florida Population Projections Through 2050
Key Issue While the population of the United States is projected to grow by 49% between now and 2050, Central Florida has a projected growth rate of 136%. Volusia County is projected to grow from 494,000 to 874,000 residents.
How is the Region Growing? Population – 3,521,813 Developed Area – 2,618 sq. miles Population – 7,123,770 Developed Area – 5,196 sq. miles 2005 – Trend2050 – Trend
Regional Research
“Environmental Jewels” St. Johns Mosaic Indian River Lagoon Kissimmee Prairie Volusia Corridor Green Swamp Wekiva Greenway Lake Wales Ridge
Central Florida Values Study Nature and the Outdoors Safe and Secure Communities Education High Quality of Life from Enjoyment in Family Friendly Activity Nature Allows Peace of Mind and Security from Living in Safe and Secure Communities Community and Parental Peace and Pride Through Good Educational Opportunities Values Pillars
How Shall We Grow?
Project Partners
Goal Create a shared 50-year vision for the seven-county Central Florida Region
Step 1 – Regional EventMar 29, 2006 Step 2 – Community Information SessionsApr/May 2006 Step 3 – Community Input SessionsMay-June 2006 Step 4 – Community Input SessionsAug-Sept 2006 Step 5 – Regional EventOct 13, 2006 Step 6 – Community Wide OutreachJan-Feb 2007 Step 7 – Community SummitAugust 10, 2007
Citizen Involvement Feedback in Shaping the Vision March 2006-February Community Presentations 10,000 meeting participants 7,319 survey participants Ongoing Citizen Awareness Since March Community Presentations 2,000 meeting participants
6 Regional Growth Principles What Did We Learn? Preserve Green Areas Provide Access to Education, Health Care and Cultural Amenities Provide Transportation Choices Encourage Economic Development Foster Distinctive, Attractive and Safe Places to Live Create Range of Obtainable Housing
Three Key Themes Preserve Green Areas Create Town Centers Develop Transit Corridors What Did We Learn?
The Trend By UF Geo Plan Ctr. Green Areas By UF Geo Plan Ctr. Centers By Renaissance Planning Group Corridors By UF Geo Plan Ctr. What Could These “Themes” Look Like?... “Four Choices” for Our Future
7,319 Citizens Provided Feedback On the “Four Choices” Selected Preferred Future Gave Input on What Matters Most - Percentage developed land, Percentage conserved land, Air Quality - Water Demand - Transportation choices - Commute Times - Economic Impact
Clear Loser The Trend First Choice 4.14% Second Choice4.04% Third Choice5.36% Least Preferred 86.5%
Central Florida has its regional 2050 vision: #1. Avoid the Trend #2. Establish the “Green Print” #3. Promote more growth in centers #4. Connect some centers with rail transit
Countryside Conservation Corridors 2050 Regional Growth Vision Centers A Visual Representation of:
Development polices and issues Vision for the Future Next Steps: Implementing a Shared Vision Requires Consensus on Growth Policies
Who Has Been Working to Address the Principles? Joint Policy Framework Committee Council of Mayors MPO Alliance Regional Leadership Council Regional Planning Councils School Boards Coalition Smart Growth Alliance
How Can We Create Shared, Consistent Growth Policies? Regional Policies: Joint Policy Committee, MPO Alliance, Regional Planning Councils County Policies: County Commissioners and Staffs Local Policies: Mayors, City Commissioners and Staffs Shared Vision: Based on six Principles of Growth Regional County Shared Vision Citizen Input Local
Community Summit August 10, 2007
Web Site:
How Shall We Grow?