By. Kailey Williams
What Kind of Jewelry did They Have? They wore rings, necklaces, earrings, and falcon pectoral. They had cosmetic boxes. They wore collar necklaces and pendants.
Pictures of Some Jewelry Collar Necklaces Pendants
What did They Wear Jewelry and Make-up to and Why? They wore jewelry and make-up to everything. They wore the make-up to protect them from the sun.
Jewelry and Make-up Pictures Headdress Example on What the Eye Make-up looks like
Bibliography Morley, Jacqueline, So You Want To Be An Ancient Egyptian Princess, Twenty-First Century Books, Brookfield, Connecticut, ) (10-11,16-17). Strachen, Richard A. Ancient Egypt Beauty Aids,2010, , ids.html. ids.html Thomas, Pauline, Anicent Egyptian Make-up & Cosmetics 2010,