What 2 layers make up the topsoil?
Horizon O and horizon A make up topsoil.
What layer is made up of partly weathered rock?
Horizon C is composed of partly weathered rock.
How does material move from horizon A to horizon B?
The process of leaching moves material from horizon A to horizon B.
What do horizon A and horizon B have in common?
Both horizon A and horizon B have decayed organic material called humus.
Where does the material in horizon C come from?
The partly weathered rock in horizon C comes from unweathered parent rock.
What is the composition of horizon O?
Horizon O is composed of leaf litter and other organic matieral.
In what horizon is there very little organic material?
Horizon C had very little organic material.
What is the composition of horizon R?
Horizon R is composed of unweathered parent material.
How are horizon A and horizon C different?
Horizon A is rich in organic material and horizon C has very little organic mateial.
Why do plants grow well in horizon A?
Plants grow well in horizon A because it is rich in organic material and nutrients.