Why do Teenagers Wear Makeup? 綜三乙 Jane 張雨真 Rita 李嘉容 Jessica 董姿蘭
Outline Introduction Literature review Methods Data analysis & Discussion Conclusion References
Introduction Background Motivation Research Questions
Background - Pursuing beauty is nature of women. - Men start to pay attention to their appearance. Motivation - The effect of wearing makeup to female high school students. Introduction
Literature review the history of wearing makeup — Japan the reason why Taiwanese men and women start to wear makeup
Research Questions RQ1. Why do female senior high school students prefer putting on makeup before going out? RQ2. Why do women wearing makeup become popular? RQ3. How do men think of women wearing makeup?
Methods Instrument - Questionnaire 300 Participants males and 150 females students - Age from 16 to 18 - Vocational high school students
RQ1. Why do female senior high school students prefer putting on makeup before going out?
RQ2. Why do women wearing makeup become popular?
RQ3. How do men think of women wearing makeup?
Conclusion The number of people wearing makeup has gradually increased. The age group of people wearing makeup become younger. Male students prefer their female friends not to wearing makeup.
References 1. 從化學看世界 - 劉如熹教授 高科技男性化妝品 法律一田政弘 2. 美麗是妝出來的 : 為什麼女人不化妝就不出門 ? 作者 : 石田香織 出版年 :2005 出版社 : 時報文化 3. 維基百科 4. 華視新聞 5. 化妝品概論 作者 : 嚴嘉蕙 出版年 :2001 出版社 : 新文京開發 6. 馬它,要你好看 作者 : 馬它 出版年 :1995 出版社 : 培根文化
Thank you for your listening. Hope you keep beautiful forever and ever.