“WELCOME” to BU121 Functional Areas of the Organization.


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Presentation transcript:

“WELCOME” to BU121 Functional Areas of the Organization

Course Objectives Integrative framework*  Business plan development  BDO New Venture Competition! Introductory overview to functional areas Development of ‘soft skills’  decision-making, communication, leadership/team management, emotional intelligence, negotiating  PepsiCo Pitch Competition! Business vocabulary Professional expectations  Code of Conduct – Statement of Academic Integrity

Marketing Finance Operations Human Resources INTERNAL Economic Political Social Technological EXTERNAL CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS Stakeholders Vision Mission Strategy Planning Organizing Motivating Controlling

Required Materials Functional Areas of the Organization – custom text  Online chapter quizzes Business 121 Lab Manual –30 th Edition  Assessment coupon Top Hat  Quick Start Guide on course website

Methodology Readings – text – online quizzes and lab manual Lectures  PowerPoint slides are not a substitute for class notes! Weekly Labs – start next week  Lab Registration*  Must re-register for the same lab and check room location!  Attendance at labs is compulsory only allowed 1 un-validated absence and 1 ‘make-up lab must have the TA of the attended lab sign a Lab Makeup Form you download from the website and bring to the lab OR you lose all marks assigned to labs = 45% make-up labs should only be used if absolutely necessary Any labs missed will result in the loss of 1 participation mark 3 lates = 1 absence for purposes of participation marks

Participation Grade = 10% 5 marks for hand in of lab prep or in-lab exercises Excellent = 1 mark Acceptable =.5 marks Poor/Incomplete = 0 marks 5 marks for quality and consistency of participation WOW = 3 marks – participating consistently, respectfully and with high quality – adding value to the lab discussion GREAT= 2.5 marks – participating consistently, usually high quality GOOD = 2 marks – reasonably consistent, decent quality AVERAGE = 1.5 marks – reasonably consistent, average quality WEAK = 1 mark – inconsistent, lower quality POOR =.5 marks – rarely participated, poor quality OR sometimes disengaged, on electronics, or talking while others are talking NO CELLPHONE/LAPTOP POLICY UNACCEPTABLE = 0 marks – did not participate OR disruptive and disrespectful, called out for behaviour OR absent for the lab

Extra Resources = optional extra participation marks! Opportunity to earn up to 2 extra participation marks to a maximum of 10% participation.25 mark each for full attendance and engagement at a maximum of 4 non-review Supplemental Instruction/SI sessions = 1 mark mark each for full attendance and engagement at a maximum of 2 Success Workshops = 1 mark.5 mark for full attendance and engagement at 1 Business Writing Workshop =.5 marks *Attendance at a mandatory Success Session on January 11 th is required for extra mark eligibility for students with:  C+ or lower in BU111  C+ or lower average in BU111 and BU127 combined + an appointment with a BBA Academic Advisor is required for students with C- or lower in BU111 OR BU111 and BU127 combined

Assessments/Grading 15% - Individual lab assignments/assessments  5% Pitch  10% Participation (as discussed) 30% - Team-based lab assignments/assessments  New Venture Business Plan  5% Team Plan and Timeline  7% Business Model Canvas  10% Business Plan Report Groups are required to meet with their TA to show progress on their business plan. Failure to meet requirements will result in a 10% deduction  8% Business Plan Presentation 25% - Midterm Exam 30% - Final Exam (with short case)

Assessments – late policies! All assignments must be submitted in hardcopy and to turnitin before noon on the due date. Peer evaluations for group work are due by 11:59pm on the due date. Late policies:  Late in hardcopy = 0 on the assignment  Late to turnitin and/or late peer evals  = 10% penalty if submitted within the first 72 hours after the deadline  + additional 10% penalty if submitted within the next 24 hours  + additional 10% penalty if submitted within the following 24 hours  0 on the assignment if not submitted to turnitin or no peer eval  Late completion of required assessments (lab manual coupon) = maximum 3 marks deducted from individual’s grade on Team Plan and Timeline (note that assignment is worth 5 marks) .5 mark penalty per assessment if done within 72 hours after the deadline  + additional.5 mark penalty per assessment if done within next 24 hours  + additional.5 mark penalty if done within the following 24 hours

Important Information – read carefully! Academic misconduct is viewed very strictly  Assignments must be submitted to turnitin.com  Personal Work Statements are required to receive assignment marks  A signed Statement of Academic Integrity must be hand in to your TA in the first lab. Midterms and finals are controlled access  No deferred midterm; Verification of Illness form required if you are ill  Final exam deferrals must be petitioned; no deferrals due to travel plans Group work is taken very seriously – “firing” Every effort is made to ensure student privacy  only student s from university accounts will be returned Reminders:  You must pass one of the exams to pass the course  Due dates are rigid – late assignments will be given 0  Turnitin and Peer evaluations required; late penalties apply.

How to Succeed 21 grade points /3 = required average BU GPA of 7  D/A+, D+/A, C-/A-, C/B+, C+/B You may retake 111 or 127 in the winter term or retake in the spring term – but you must meet the requirement by end of August  PROCEED WITH CAUTION!  Only 2 repeats allowed in first year  If repeating in winter term – should drop an elective and take in spring  If you want to take in winter term need to register ASAP Get help BEFORE you need it!  Go to weekly SI Sessions  Go to the monthly Success Sessions  Meet with an Academic Advisor, your TA, Prof and/or SI tutor Manage your time…

Important Dates Lab Registration  Starts immediately Assignments:  Assessment Deadline – Friday January 16 th  Team Plan and Timeline – Friday January 30 th  Pitch – week of February 2 nd in labs  Business Model Canvas – Friday February 13 th  Required Progress Meeting with TA – before Friday March 6 th  New Venture Report – Friday March 13 th  New Venture Presentations – weeks of March 16 th and 21 st in labs Midterm Exam  Saturday February 28 th 1:30–4:00pm

Important Dates cont’d Success Seminars:  Mandatory Session  C+ or lower in BU111 /127– Sunday January 11 th at 7pm  Strategies for Success Workshop – Sunday Jan 18 th – time TBA  Midterm Success Workshop – Sunday Feb 22 nd – time TBA  Finish Strong Workshop – Sunday March 22 nd – time TBA New Venture:  BDO Consulting Sessions – Monday March 2 nd starting at 5 pm Competitions!: NO Opt-out  PepsiCo Pitch – Friday February 6 th  BDO New Venture  Semi-finals – Friday March 27 th  Finals – Saturday March 28 th



