Boat Crew Qualification as of January 2007 Sector Southeastern New England Operations Meeting Edwin “Ned” Kroeker, D1NR QE Coordinator Fairhaven, MA March.


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Presentation transcript:

Boat Crew Qualification as of January 2007 Sector Southeastern New England Operations Meeting Edwin “Ned” Kroeker, D1NR QE Coordinator Fairhaven, MA March 3, 2007 This presentation will be posted at

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in “Bring a person a fish, and they are fed once. Teach a person to fish and they will never be hungry.” The Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual is the first resource for any questions on “how” the Boat Crew Qualification Program works. (The Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual is COMDTINST M A, January 2007) has links to all BCQP materials

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in Phase I - Qualification “Initial entry into the program, in which the member learns and demonstrates the knowledge and skills required to perform missions that may be assigned.” Phase II - Certification “Initial command verification that the member has acquired the necessary knowledge and skills, and then annual verification that the member has retained those skills.” Phase III – Currency Maintenance “The annual completion of minimum activities required to maintain and demonstrate proficiency. A member's certification remains valid or "current" by completion of annual minimums.” Text from Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual COMDTINST M A

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in New Qualification Guides  Crewmember COMDTINST M A January 2007  Coxswain COMDTINST M A January 2007 Note that an Operations Policy written exam is now required for Coxswain candidates.  Essential that all candidates use the updated materials…mentors should transfer the relevant equivalent or identical tasks has links to all BCQP materials

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in Currency: Old and New Old 5 Year Plan  Annual tasks (year 5 with QE)  Annual 8 hours underway as crew or coxswain; crew time doesn’t count for coxswain New 3 Year Plan  Detailed checkride with QE every 3 years; no annual tasks  Annual 12 hours underway as crew or coxswain; crew time counts for coxswain

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in Currency Checkride  No annual tasks. The former 5 year tasks done with a QE are now a full checkride done with a QE every 3 years.  The checkrides are effectively identical to the initial qualification checkrides. Practice and competency will be essential!  QE reports results of checkride to OTO (actually, to QEC) for handling, no Auxiliary IS staff handling

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in Recurrent Training: Old and New Old  Annual Ops Workshop (not always required)  5 year TCT class  5 year coxswain NavRules New  Same  Annual TCT refresher (1 hour, given locally)  Same

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in Missing Things that can lapse Certification (REYR or REWK)  TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: 5 year TCT, NavRules (for coxswains), Workshops (only if required), annual TCT refresher. Missing any of these just requires completing the missing item.  CURRENCY MAINTENANCE: annual hours, triennial checkride. Missing hours requires either partial year number or complete makeup. Missing checkride requires performing the checkride.

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in Recertification  No complicated “how long have you been in REYR”.  Missing a Training item: do the missing training.  Missing a Currency item: make up the missing hours underway as a trainee; take the missed checkride.  Each missed item stands on its own for makeup requirement

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in Formal Missed Hours Policy Now  Missing some hours for just the last year: makeup only the missing hours  Missing hours for more than the previous year: makeup 12 hours as a trainee  Missing hours for more than 5 years: qualification must be started over at crewmember level (all tasks done with mentor, then initial qualification checkride)

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in Checkride Transition Last checkride w/QE Next 5 year ride (old plan) New 3 year ride (new plan) 2002 or earlier From the Promulgation Letter, front matter, Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual COMDTINST M A

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in IMPORTANT on 2006!  Tasks were waived for 2006: NOBODY is in REYR for missing tasks in 2006  Makeup time for missing hours is 8 hours (since that was the 2006 requirement), but the new 12 hour requirement applies to 2007 and beyond

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in IMPORTANT for 2007!  ICS requirements become “hard deadline”, MUST be completed by December 31, 2007 to maintain certification or hold certain offices  Many have completed this, but some have done nothing  Crew, FSO-OP, and FC/VFC: ICS 100, 700  Coxswain, SO-OP, DCP/VCP: ICS 100, 200, 700, 800

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in REYR questions?  Contact QEC (as DIRAUX OTO representative)…is handling all REYR issues, including AUXDATA entry  Inquiries welcome from all, but formal requests for recertification must come through Flotilla Commander ( or postal mail)

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in Before Any Check Ride Use the checklists at to insure pre- requisites are complete or candidate has relevant proof for QE Candidates must truly be ready. Mentors must agree (for initial qualification). The Flotilla Commander must agree (either through personal knowledge or by knowledge of the FSO-MT and/or FSO-OP). FSO-MT is responsible to insure candidate is ready before QE is scheduled. Many people are involved with a check ride (facilities, crews, QEs, candidate(s)); it is important to make sure this will be a productive session, and not have to revert to a training session

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in QE Scheduling  QEs (and checkrides!) are the very last step in initial qualification or currency  D1NR uses a distributed (rather than hiearchical) QE request process: any organizer just asks a QE or QEs….use the list in the District Directory or at  QE are DISTRICT resources, not local…but try to get as local a QE as possible  QEs are volunteers with their own family, work, and Auxiliary lives….schedule well in advance of your need

March 2007Sector SENE Ops MeetingBCQP in Q & A