Water Conservation & Treatment Strategies for Ethanol Plants Governors Ethanol Coalition EPA Joint Meeting Kansas City, MO Feb 10, 2006 Bibb Swain, President Delta-T Corp.
Topics External Process Water Balance Utility Water Requirements How It All Fits Opportunities
External Process Water Balance Ethanol Plant Corn Ethanol DDGS Basis: 50 mmgpy Typical Corn-Based Dry Mill ethanol Plant 2,233 Bu/ Hr 5,952 Gal/ Hr Tons/ Hr 2,248 Gal/ Hr 502 Gal/ Hr 18.5 Gal/ Hr Water In = 2,248 GPH Water Out = 520 GPH
Cooling Tower Water Balance Cooling Tower Makeup Water Evaporation Drift Basis: 50 mmgpy Typical Corn-Based Dry Mill ethanol Plant 14,700 Gal/ Hr 8,820 Gal/ Hr 600 Gal/ Hr 5,280 Gal/ Hr Blowdown
Boiler Water Balance Boiler Makeup Water Steam Basis: 50 mmgpy Typical Corn-Based Dry Mill ethanol Plant 260 – 4,100 Gal/ Hr 13,860 Gal/ Hr Gal/ Hr Blowdown Condensate Deaerator 10,000 – 13,600 Gal/ Hr 138 Gal/ Hr
DDG Dryer/ TO Water Balance DDG Dryer/ Therm. Oxid. Wet Cake w/ Syrup Water Vapor DDGS Basis: 50 mmgpy Typical Corn-Based Dry Mill ethanol Plant 111,892 #/ Hr 70,049 #/ Hr Tons/ Hr 8,900 Gal/ Hr 502 Gal/ Hr 8,398 Gal/ Hr
Overall Water Balance Ethanol Plant Fresh Makeup Water Basis: 50 mmgpy Typical Corn-Based Dry Mill ethanol Plant Boiler Dryer System Cooling Tower Evaporation & Drift = 9,420 gph Deaerator & Leaks = 140 gph DDGS = 502 gph Water Vapor = 8,398 gph Corn 2,248 gph 13,860 gph 300 gph 6,631 gph 14,700 gph Blowdown = 5,280 gph Blowdown = 120 gph Water Out = 23,860 gph Water In = 23,860 gph Gal Water/ Gal Ethanol = 3.63 Ethanol =19 gph H2O
Water Conservation Opportunities Reduce Energy Consumption (less cooling tower evaporation & blowdown) Recycle waste and blowdown streams Treat makeup water (less blowdown) Use air or groundwater to reject heat (less evaporation and blowdown)
Water Conservation Opportunities <3 – Current Best Practice 1.5 – Achievable with proven technology at extra capital cost 0 – Possible in future with new technologies Gallons Fresh Water/ Gallon Ethanol less than:
Water Vapor from DDGS Dryer
Evaporator, Distillation System and Cooling Tower of Modern Ethanol Plant
Our unique FlexiFerm™ system lets you switch between the greater quality control of batch or the greater production efficiency of continuous fermentation.
Research & Development Mobile Membrane Test Lab
The Ethanol Industry is Doing Its Part Clean Water - Clean Environment
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