1 CPV Maryland, LLC St. Charles Facility – an Update Sandra S. Patty PPRP Manager PPRAC Meeting Country Inn & Suites, Annapolis, MD August 26, 2008
2 Proposed St. Charles Project Located near St. Charles at the site of the former Kelson Ridge Project, which received a CPCN in The proposed plant, located on 76 acres, will have a maximum electric output of 640 megawatts. Plant components will include: –Two F-class natural gas combustion turbines arranged in combined cycle-block configuration with two heat recovery steam generators, one steam turbine generator, and associated auxiliary and control systems –State-of-the-art air emission control technology, including NO x combustion design and add-on emission controls to reduce airborne emissions
3 Proposed St. Charles Project (continued) Water Needs The St. Charles facility will require, on average, 2.3 MGD of water for process cooling. CPV Maryland has proposed two facility cooling options : –Wet cooling – utilizing reclaimed wastewater from the Mattawoman Wastewater Treatment Plant, or –Dry cooling – air-cooled condensers CPV Maryland will also use raw water (i.e. potable drinking water) from the county water system. The plant will require approximately 0.14 MGD, on average, of raw water for: –Potable water supply –Service water system makeup –CT inlet air evaporative cooler makeup –Supply to the plant cycle makeup demineralizer system for the steam generator
4 Proposed St. Charles Project (continued) Biological Impacts Proposed linear facilities will include reclaimed water (13.9 miles) and natural gas (1.3 miles) pipelines. Biological impacts are minimized as the preferred pipeline routes are almost entirely within or adjacent to existing cleared and maintained ROWs and Charles County easements Sensitive resources will be protected. A buffer will be maintained around the Piney Branch Bog and associated stream/wetlands to minimize impacts to this sensitive habitat
5 St. Charles Project Status - (PSC Case 9129) CPV Maryland, LLC filed its CPCN application with the Public Service Commission on December 14, 2007 and testimony on February 12, Evidentiary hearing to cross-examine the applicant was held March 4, 2008, followed by the evening public hearing. The State completed its comprehensive review of the project and filed its testimony on July 14, –The State recommended that the proposed St. Charles site is suitable and that the plant can be constructed and operated in accordance with all applicable environmental regulations provided that the certificate incorporates the 77 initial recommended licensing conditions. A June 25, 2008 hearing provided the opportunity to cross-examine the State’s witnesses and supplemental testimony provided by the applicant. The case is currently under review by the PSC Hearing Examiner.