Course Syllabus United States Government Clinton High School Heather Tiller
Course Description oThis is a practical course in American Government at the local, state, and federal level. It will survey the powers, duties, and functions of the three branches as well as the role of students as future citizens. The course focuses upon citizen participation, obedience and respect for law, and the rights and responsibilities of the citizen at all three levels. Students will compare governments and constitutions as well as learn of the benefits of a democratic society.
Course Description oStudents will attend government class for one nine weeks and economics class for one nine weeks to make up one semester of study. oStudents will receive ½ Carnegie unit for the class. This class is required for graduation.
Contact Information oClassroom: 422 Green Hall oPhone number: (leave message) o oWeb page: oGrade book accessible through Power School parent portal (See Ms. Coleman in guidance for information.) o Planning period: 11:20-1:20 daily oExtra help hours: 3:15-4:30 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Textbook oRemy, Richard C. United States Government: Democracy in Action. Glencoe
Classroom Materials oNotebook, journal, pen, pencil, and paper (Markers, highlighters, and colored pencils are not required, but suggested.)
Grading Scale Grading Scale (statewide) Grading Scale (statewide) oA – oB – oC – oD – oF – below 70
Grading Procedure/Weights 45% Major Tests, projects, essays 45% Major Tests, projects, essays 45% Class work, quizzes, homework, journals, current events, daily assignments 45% Class work, quizzes, homework, journals, current events, daily assignments 10% Final Exam 10% Final Exam
Information on assignments o Journals will be required three to five times weekly and will be collected on test days or on days that end a unit. They will include daily writing activities that will be assigned at the beginning of each class period. Each student is responsible for keeping journal entries together.
Information on Assignments oStudents will be required to analyze a current event each Friday. Students will receive the format for the assignment and it will be posted on the teacher web page. Students will also be required to watch CNN Student News in class and take notes. Students will be quizzed on those notes each Friday. oAll quizzes and tests will be announced unless students are allowed to access information to complete the test or quiz.
Information on assignments oSome units will have projects and/or essays as the assessment in place of a traditional pencil and paper test. In such cases, students will be given specific instructions and a rubric for the project, and that information will also be placed on the website for parents/students to access.
Information on Assignments oIt is strongly suggested that each student keep and maintain a loose-leaf three-ring binder notebook. Students should keep their notebook in chronological order, by units. An organized notebook not only promotes good organizational skills, but it also promotes good study habits.
Personal and academic integrity o Cheating includes copying or promoting one’s ideas as his/her own and sharing ideas with others. oCheating will not only be handled as a disciplinary issue, but will also result in the student receiving a grade of a zero for the assignment on which he/she cheated.
Makeup Work Policy oThe CHS Student Handbook states that the student will have the same number of days to make up work as he/she has missed of school. This is to be the rule unless students/parents set up alternatives prior to the end of the makeup work period.
Makeup Work Policy oIt is the student’s responsibility to ask for assignments. Students will be able to access most assignments through the teacher web page. oAn unexcused absence does not excuse a student from turning in a major project. Late projects will receive a 30-point deduction for each day they are late.
Classroom Expectations oFollow CHS Handbook rules. o oDress Code o oID policy o oTardy policy o oPhone policy oBe prepared. oBe respectful. oBe engaged.
Standards Outline course studyOutline course study Are required by law to be distributedAre required by law to be distributed Are located on Mrs. Tiller’s webpageAre located on Mrs. Tiller’s webpage