Makeup schedule Group 5 Wednesday, 17 Dec, LH 26
Makeup schedule Group 3 Wednesday, 17 Dec, , LH 26 Wednesday, 7 Jan, , LH 3
What is management? Example notes
What do managers do? set accomplish develop allocate analyze select perform attain motivate meet make communicate supervise measure achieve execute
Verbs and nouns accomplish develop allocate analyze select perform attain motivate communicate supervise measure achieve execute ?
Verbs andnouns accomplish develop allocate analyze select perform attain motivate communicate supervise measure achieve execute accomplishment development allocation analysis sg./analyses pl. selection performance attainment motivation communication supervision measurement achievement execution
Match the two columns to establish collocations used in the text (MK p.12): set accomplish develop allocate analyze select perform attain motivate meet make communicate supervise measure achieve execute targets people tasks subordinates performance objectives strategies tactics resources business activities objectives decisions Vocabulary 2 Complete sentences below (p 13)
Managers are in charge of......planning: i.e organizing: i.e integrating: i.e measuring: i.e developing: i.e.... Read MK (Unit 2, p.12) and explain what is meant by the concepts mentioned above.
Managers are in charge of......planning (objectives, strategies, tactics, resources) VERBS?...organizing (activities, relations, manageable tasks, people)VERBS?...integrating (social skills, objectives, pay & promotion, subordinates and other people)...measuring (staff performance, objectives/targets)...developing (people)
Which level of management makes decisions about adopting big innovations?
Levels of management: Top / senior /upper management Middle management Lower management
Top management a)accountable to the B_ _ _ _ of directors (app_ _ n _ _d, superv_ _ _d, adv_s_d, d_ _ _ _ssed by them) b) responsibilities 1 - consider the needs of the future, innovate = change / _nn_ _ _ t _ _ _ management 2 - manage relations with s_ _ _ _holders 3 - deal with major crises = c_ _ _ _ _ management
Top management a) accountable to the Board of directors (appointed, supervised, advised, dismissed by them) b) responsibilities 1 - consider the needs of the future, innovate = change/ innovation management 2 - manage relations with stakeholders 3 - deal with major crises = crisis management
Managers: p___, o______, i_______, m______ & d______ (P. Drucker, 1977)
Managers plan, organize, integrate, measure & develop (P. Drucker, 1977) An_ _ _ _e and c_ _ss_ _ _ activities and relations among them D_ _ _de work into m_ _ _g_ab_ _ activities and individual tasks A_ _ign tasks to workers a l y s l a i f y i v i a na e l e ss
Workforce: employees /staff / personnel / human resources / labour senior staff≠junior staff higher-positioned ≠ lower-positioned superiors≠subordinates Mary is Kate’s superior. Kate is Mary’s subordinate.
Managers plan, organize, integrate, measure & develop (P. Drucker, 1977) Analyze and classify activities and relations among them Divide work into manageable activities and individual tasks Assign tasks to workers Ways of organizing work: What do you prefer? To have one immediate boss or to work for more than one manager? To work alone or in a team? To be responsible to someone or for someone?
Company structure (MK, U 3) Ways of organizing work DIVISION OF RESPONSIBLITIES Vocabulary What are you responsible for? What are you in charge of? What are your responsibilities? → MK, p 22, Vocabulary
Read Company structure (MK, p 22-23) and match ideas to paragraphs –Contemporary businesses are too complex for hierarchies functional structure –Disbanded as soon as project is finished –4 factors leading to flat hierarchies –Departments clash as they have different objectives –Direct communication among departments –Hierarchical structure: knowing who is your superior –Middle management replaced by IT systems HW: Comprehension HW: Vocabulary
HW: Write a short text about a company you would like to work for. Use prompts provided on p 25: eg. I would like to work for.... It designs / makes / provides / distributes / invests in... It has offices / branches / subsidiaries / factories / stores etc. in... It consists of / includes / is divided into / is organized in, etc. I want to work for X because.... (Hand in on Wednesday)