John Hurley Cal State LA CS203 Lecture 1 John Hurley Cal State LA
Introduction John Hurley Call me John, especially outside class. If that’s too informal for you, you can call me “Instructor” (VI Dos ) XXXXX 4 VIII Seven dash YYYYY 8 Won 5 Fore! (text preferred) Office hours listed on course page.
CS 203 CS 203: Programming With Data Structures is the third course in the three-term Java Programming sequence. This is a critical class for CS majors. All the programming classes you take after this will build on this material. Accordingly, the workload will be high, even for a 5-unit course. Most class meetings will be split roughly evenly between lecture and lab time
Course Web Page Course schedule and syllabus Software Download Links Textbook Info Grading policies Assignments
Grading Grading: A, B, C, (with + and -), NC. If you don’t get at least a C (undergraduate) or B (graduate), you get an NC. Grading standards in this class will be tougher than in my 100 level classes. See the grading scale on the syllabus No curve You will have your midterm grades before the withdrawal-with- W deadline I have toughened my policy on late work; see the course web page
Assignments All assignments will be linked from the course page. Hand in via CSNS. If you have not previously used CSNS, go to and login using your CIN as both username and password. Change your password. Let me know immediately if you have any difficulties with this. If you don’t have a logon to the lab network, get one from the IT staff in the library right after this class
Labs Generally one lab per week, but some labs may have two parts Will usually involve material from both lectures in the week assigned, so you will usually start working on the second class day of the week Usually due before the first class meeting of the following week. Start the labs during the class period and finish them at home
Quizzes Quizzes will consist of multiple choice, short answers, and one- paragraph writing questions. There is a small number of definitions and descriptions you will have to memorize for this class. Closed-book quiz questions may test your knowledge of these. Most of these definitions will be covered in the first two weeks. Slides marked “memorize this slide” obviously contain information likely to be on closed-book quizzes, but I don’t always add that note. I will always make it clear verbally when you need to memorize something. Most quizzes will be open-book and open-note Use the book and notes for on details. If you don’t understand the material you will not have time to learn it during the exam.
Exams One midterm, one final exam Makeup midterms are allowed with no questions asked, but will be much more difficult than the original exam. Since I began this policy, few students have asked to make up exams. If I write a makeup exam at your request and you don’t show up for it, you are toast. No final exam makeups without well-documented justification.
Individual Presentations Each of you will make a three-minute presentation in which you will explain some of your own code line-by-line These presentations will be start in week three. I will hand around a sign up sheet.
Textbook Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version, Tenth Edition. Be careful to get the right book; there are several other versions. It is important to get the Tenth Edition, even though older editions are much cheaper.
Review This course covers a large volume of difficult material, and I can only take time to review only a few key concepts from CS202. My complete CS202 lecture notes and other materials can be found by going to our course web page and changing the “cs202” in the url to “cs203”
Cheating: The Short Version Presenting an answer that is copied from any source other than your brain is always cheating. You may not copy code from other students or allow anyone to copy your code. You may not copy text from any source and use it as an answer to any problem in this class Few or none of our assignment questions will be taken from the textbook or other sources, so don’t bother copying published solutions to the textbook exercises. You may want to look at them as additional examples of the material, though, if you trust them to be correct. I will punish all students involved in copying equally, even if it’s obvious who copied from whom.
Cheating on Exams and Quizzes Examples of cheating on exams and open-book quizzes: Copying code or text from other students or any other source I can detect copying! Answering short-answer questions with direct quotes from the notes (restate them in your own words!) Communicating during an exam or quiz with any human being other than me via email, chat, phone, or any other means You may not directly use language from the lecture notes, textbook, or any other source to answer short-answer or essay questions. Restate the answers in your own words.
Not Cheating on Exams and Quizzes OK on exams and open-book quizzes Consulting lecture notes, textbooks, your own notes Checking Wikipedia or other internet sources that do not involve real- time communication with human beings, and restating the content in your own words. This is permitted, but it is not likely to be an efficient use of your time during an exam. Copying code examples from the lecture notes or textbook only and modifying them to answer the questions. I expect you to do this.
Cheating Detection It is completely obvious when students answer short-answer and essay questions with text copied from professional-level sources like Wikipedia and textbooks. For Java coding problems, the number of possible correct solutions is very large, and I am experienced at figuring out when multiple students’ work is too similar. If you copy answers you will sooner or later copy an identifiable error answer or trip up in some other way. I will be comparing all students’ short answer and essay work using a tool designed to detect copying. People who do well on labs but poorly on exams and quizzes receive very careful scrutiny!
Cheating Detection