Objective... To use film and media clips to understand the advantages and disadvantages of GENETIC ENGINEERING.


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Presentation transcript:

Objective... To use film and media clips to understand the advantages and disadvantages of GENETIC ENGINEERING.

Outcomes... Your GOALS for the end of this lesson are… Grade C You will be able to define the terms genetic engineering, cloning and stem cell research. Grade B You will be able to explain some of the advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering, cloning and stem cell research. Grade A-A* You will be able to express an opinion on genetic engineering, cloning and stem cell research. Your GOALS for the end of this lesson are…

Starter... SO… CLONING STEM CELL RESEARCH GENETIC ENGINEERING BUT… ooops … I forgot to include some important words… FILL IN THE BLANKS You need to know the following terms… On your sheet are the three definitions – can you work out which one is which?

Stem Cell Research: The most recent form of genetic research. The definitions are... Genetic Engineering: The deliberate alteration of a person by manipulating its genetic framework in order to cure or prevent diseases and disabilities in human beings. This can also be done using plants and animals. Cloning: A clone is an exact copy of something. Reproductive cloning is a technology that is used to create an animal or plant with an identical genetic make up. It used one set of cells rather than two. Stem Cell Research: The most recent form of genetic research. Stem cells are the ‘ building blocks of life’ and can be used to create (clone) new organs or cells to replace diseased ones. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn52Ed1q4rk Use this clip to add any additional information/detail to your definitions

Outcomes... Grade C You will be able to define the terms genetic engineering, cloning and stem cell research. Did you achieve YOUR goals?…

Are there any DISADVANTAGES? Watch the following clips carefully and write down any ADVANTAGES to GENETIC ENGINEERING. Are there any DISADVANTAGES?

Genetic Engineering... Set your book up in the following way. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Set your book up in the following way. Now try to add AT LEAST ONE idea in each column. Swap ideas with a partner – try to add AT LEAST ONE MORE idea in each column. Add any ideas that you didn’t have but like in GREEN PEN.

Advantages and disadvantages... What are the ADVANTAGES ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiR0clfzDXo What are the ADVANTAGES ? It can be used to change the genes in the embryo – this could stop children being born with genetic diseases .such as Cystic Fibrosis. It can improve quality of life, reduce people being born who will suffer/be in pain. Are there any DISADVANTAGES ? Our genetics is what makes us unique – who is to say what is defective? The process is irreversible so if anything went wrong it would be permanent. Other diseases may be caused by genetic modification.

Advantages and disadvantages... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaIYwzXQ9xc What are the ADVANTAGES ? Organisms can be made to produce chemicals that are needed in medicines, for example bacteria that produces human insulin. This means medication for is more widely available. Are there any DISADVANTAGES ? In the wrong hands this kind of technology could lead to mass production of the wrong substances – e.g. biological weapons The long term effects are unknown.

What are the ADVANTAGES ? Are there any DISADVANTAGES ? Advantages and disadvantages... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEc7QXAjsL4&feature/results_main&playnext/1&list/PLC13A29DE36353066 What are the ADVANTAGES ? Genes have been inserted into animals to grow organs - this can enable those in need of life saving organs to receive them without the need for waiting lists. Are there any DISADVANTAGES ? Animals can be harmed in this process. The outcomes cannot be certain and are unknown.

What are the ADVANTAGES ? Are there any DISADVANTAGES ? Advantages and disadvantages... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVIznPgdQSM What are the ADVANTAGES ? Animals can be grown to be heavier and have leaner meat – which means more meat to eat that is healthier. We can adapt the genetic makeup of animals to aid our needs. Are there any DISADVANTAGES ? Animals can be exploited for our curiosity/ entertainment. Is it moral/ethical to use and treat animals this way? Scientist might go too far and produce unnatural organisms. It could reduce the variety of animals.

Advantages and disadvantages... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja6al3OLyIo What are the ADVANTAGES ? Genetically modified crops allow us to create more crops which can solve issues such as global hunger. GM crops grow resistant to disease and insects and harsh climates. GM crops can save farmers money. GM crops can be boosted in nutrition. Are there any DISADVANTAGES ? Possible transferring of allergies. Can alter our human digestive system and this could be life threatening. There is no information about the long term consequences. Changes may affect the balance of biological systems.

Is there anything we missed?... ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Stem cell research, genetic engineering and cloning, offer the prospect of cures for currently incurable diseases. It is available in some countries already. Cloning has been used to grow healthy cells to replace malfunctioning ones. Genetic research is a vital tool in medical science, it would be wrong to ignore the advantages genetic engineering can bring. The laws on what can be done are strictly monitored to protect from abuse. Genetic engineering treats the human body as a commodity to be manipulated no different to plants. There is no information about the long term consequences. It opens the way for genetic screening where people could be checked for likely illnesses before getting jobs or life insurance. It is only available to the rich who can afford to travel and pay medical bills.

Set your book up in the following way. Cloning... ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Set your book up in the following way.

Advantages and disadvantages... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Qry1gYYDCA What are the ADVANTAGES ? Cloning has been used to grow healthy cells to replace malfunctioning ones. Human cloning could aid in finding suitable organs for donation or bone marrow and blood matches. Are there any DISADVANTAGES ? Once started there is no going back, scientists will be able to reproduce scientifically created human beings. These human beings could be used and abused in the name of science as they have no true origin.

In the film children have been cloned from unknown people (there is a rumour among the children that the 'originals' who provided the DNA were outcasts in society - drug addicts, criminals, etc) for the sole purpose of providing donor organs for others. At some point in young adulthood, they will be called upon to donate a major organ. Some time later, they will donate again and so on until they 'complete' - that is to say, until their body becomes incapable of supporting life and they die. Some 'complete' after just one donation, some survive as many as four donations. In late teens, donors can volunteer to become carers. If chosen their own donations will be delayed by a few years, and they will be expected to support and care for other donors going through the donation process. Watch the following clip (01.20 - 03.05) Pay particular attention to both the positive and negative emotions that she touches upon. What are the positives? What are the negatives? How can this be linked to what we have been discussing?

Outcomes... Did you achieve YOUR goals?… Grade B You will be able to explain some of the advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering, cloning and stem cell research. Did you achieve YOUR goals?…

What do I think? Not too sure Totally RIGHT Totally WRONG Write YOUR OPINION on your POST-IT. Give ONE reason WHY. Put your POST-IT on the board.

What would you do and why? Watch the following clip (21.45 – 26.09) The clip is set in 1978 and takes place at a very special school. In this clip, some of the children at that school are about to find out just how special they are. What would it be like to hear such news? How might you feel if you discovered that you had been bred solely for the purpose of providing spare parts for someone else? Is it fair that the donor children are denied a normal life in order to enable others to be cured of potentially life-threatening conditions? You have the choice of making it legal to clone humans. What would you do and why? Try to consider BOTH sides of the argument and explain your REASONS for making the decision you have.

Outcomes... Grade A-A* You will be able to express an opinion on genetic engineering and stem cell research. Did you achieve YOUR goals?…

Are these Statements For or Against Genetic Engineering? Reflection PLENARY Are these Statements For or Against Genetic Engineering? F? A? It offers the prospect of cures for currently incurable diseases It is being done in other countries and so is available to those rich enough to travel and pay for treatments Researchers have too little information about the long-term consequences Research into stem cell cloning would only use embryos until it was easier to use adult cells It has effects which would be irreversible, so if anything went wrong it would be permanent Genetic research is an integral part of medical research and is bound to include some genetic engineering It places too much power in the hands of scientists who could use genetic engineering to act like Dr Frankenstein to produce scientifically created humans Genetic Engineering treats the human body as a commodity no different from plants It offers the possibility of people having to be genetically screened before getting life insurance, jobs etc. Genetic research is closely monitored by the law, but has vast potential benefits F F A F A F A A A F