SAT Test Administration Training April 12, 2012 LCPEC Department of Accountability, Research, and Continuous Improvement
SAT Agenda Testing Window Daily Test Administration Schedule Materials Security Training Accommodations Administration Procedures Invalidations Scoring Returning Materials Test Results
SAT SAT-10 Testing Window Regular Administration: May 1-3, 2012 Makeup Days: May 4, 7, 8, 2012 Return Materials: May 16, 2012 (send to the Accountability Dept. via the pony)
SAT Daily Testing Schedule: May 1 st Day 1 – Tuesday, May 1stSubtestTesting Time* Grade KGSounds and Letters25 minutes** Grade 1Word Study Skills20 minutes Grade 1Word Reading25 minutes Grade 2Word Study Skills20 minutes *Note that testing times are approximate (test is technically untimed) and do not include set up and initial directions (about 10 minutes). See Administration Procedures document for further details. **Please note: There is an additional 20 minute practice page for Kindergarten that may be given on Monday, April 30th.
SAT Daily Testing Schedule: May 2 nd Day 2 – Wednesday, May 2 nd SubtestTesting Time* Grade KGWord Reading25 minutes Grade 1Sentence Reading30 minutes Grade 2Reading Vocabulary 20 minutes *Note that testing times are approximate (test is technically untimed) and do not include set up and initial directions (about 10 minutes). See Administration Procedures document for further details.
SAT Daily Testing Schedule: May 3 rd Day 3 – Thursday, May 3 rd SubtestTesting Time* Grade KGSentence Reading30 minutes Grade 1Reading Comprehension 40 minutes Grade 2Reading Comprehension 40 minutes *Note that testing times are approximate (test is technically untimed) and do not include set up and initial directions (about 10 minutes). See Administration Procedures document for further details.
SAT Makeup Testing: May 4 th, 5 th and 6th Grades KG, 1, and 2
SAT Materials Delivery Practice Test Materials – EPES Testing Order from Print Shop Tests/Manuals Tests and manuals will be delivered the week of 4/16 Let us know if you have not received your materials by 4/23
Materials One Test/Answer Document per Student Directions for Administration Please verify that you have received all of the required materials. Fax in a Missing Materials form if anything is missing to SAT
Test Documents Please ensure that the student’s name is on the back of the test Also ensure that the students receive their correct test each day SAT
Need More Materials? Please call or Mary Terrell, SAT
Security Security Policies Same as FCAT Security Tracking Keep a log of testing rooms, test administrators, and students tested (by room) Track test quantities
SAT Training Train all staff involved in testing Work with your school’s Site Inservice Rep for documentation Require test administrators to sign the SAT- 10 Security Agreement All district employees, including substitutes, are permitted to administer the SAT-10
SAT ESE Accommodations Generally the same as FCAT (Appendix A of the FCAT TAM) On IEP/504 Plan Consistent with Instructional Practices Repetition if indicated on IEP
SAT ESOL Accommodations All LY students may be provided accommodations Help in native language may be provided (Reading instructions only)
SAT Emergency 504 (Broken Arms) Option 1: Test as is Option 2: Absent for testing Option 3: Classify 504 to qualify for ESE accommodations
SAT Administration Procedures The following is our district policy for administration of the SAT-10 tests in terms of reading of instructions/questions and timing of tests. Reading Instructions/Questions Many sections of the SAT-10 are dictated by the test administrator (i.e. teacher) who reads both general instructions and specific test questions to the students. Instructions/questions should only be read once. It is assumed that the test administrator will read the script exactly* as it is written. *Make markers at the school-level or substitute the word “finger” for the word “marker” in the script
SAT Administration Procedures (cont.) Timing The test publisher states that SAT-10 is not a timed test. However, the following guidelines should be used to administer SAT-10. General Rule : Allow enough time for students to have the opportunity to answer all questions they are capable of answering. Pacing for Dictated Sections : Test administrators should read instructions and questions clearly and slowly to allow for optimal comprehension by all students. After each question, a maximum of 20 seconds should be allowed for students to mark a response.
SAT Administration Procedures (cont.) Pacing (cont.) Test administrators do not need to wait for every student to mark an answer before moving to the next test question. Administrators and proctors should be monitoring students to make sure that they are following along and on the correct test question as testing proceeds. Timing for Independent Sections (where students work on their own): Suggested times in the manual should be enough for all students to finish all test questions. If not, allow enough time for all students to finish but no more than double the suggested time.
SAT Invalidations Cheating, Becoming Ill, Disruption Consult Accountability Dept. The SAT-10 does not have DNS bubbles Enter only scores on valid sub-tests
SAT Scoring All tests will need to be hand-scored School administration at each school will determine the process Answer keys and scoring spreadsheet provided by the Accountability Department Bob Kuhn will these documents to schools prior to May 1 st.
SAT Returning Materials Return all tests, directions for administration, and security logs to the Accountability Department by Wednesday, May 16 th Return completed scoring spreadsheet to Bob Kuhn in Accountability by Wednesday, May 16th
SAT Test Results Individual student results appear on spreadsheet as soon as raw scores are entered at the school School/District summary results by May 24th Individual student paper reports sent to schools by May 23 rd
SAT SAT-10 Scores NP = Percentile Rank Achievement Levels – Revised SP 2012 Substantially Below (Level 1) Minimally Below (Level 2) Meets (Level 3) Exceeds (Level 4)
SAT What are the Scores Used For? 1.Individual student progress monitoring Promotion/Retention Intensive Reading FCAT Predictor Teacher Evaluation 2.School/District Trends
SAT Questions?