Digital Library Overview State Preparation for Digital Library Preview Jan Martin & Matt Gill Testing Roadshow- 9/15/14 to 9/19/14
SBAC – A Balanced Assessment System Common Core Standards – K-12 expectations for college and career readiness Summative Assessments – on-line, benchmarked to college and career readiness Interim assessments – on-line, flexible, open, used for actionable feedback Digital Library – teacher resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction
Four Attributes of the Formative Assessment Process Page 3 Clarify Intended Learning Elicit Evidence Act on Evidence Interpret Evidence
Promotional Video player_detailpage&v=Qtt3GYc63f4 player_detailpage&v=Qtt3GYc63f4
Digital Library Functionality Enables State Networks of Educators and State Leadership Teams to submit, review, and publish resources Allows educators to view, download, and rate resources Uses state-of-the-art tagging and search to quickly find resources by CCSS and other topics Enables educators from across the Consortium to collaborate and share their knowledge Facilitates access to resources that are stored in participating libraries Illustrative Slide 5
South Dakota’s Involvement 56 Educators Required to have 4 resources posted and 12 resources reviewed 32 educators received supplemental review contracts –64 total contracts –21 reviews for each contract
Digital Library Resources Slide 7 Commissioned Professional Learning Modules Resources for educators, students and families Frame Formative Assessment within a Balanced Assessment System Articulate the Formative Assessment Process Highlight Formative Assessment Practices and Tools Assessment Literacy Modules Commissioned Professional Learning Modules Instructional coaching for educators Instructional materials for students Demonstrate/support effective implementation of the formative assessment process Focus on key content and practice from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Exemplar Instructional Modules High-quality vetted instructional resources and tools for educators High-quality vetted resources and tools for students and families Reflect and support the formative assessment process Reflect and support the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Create Professional Learning Communities Education Resources
Resource Makeup Cover Profile Uploaded Material Collaboration Tab Reviews Tab Share Tab Related Resources Tab Flag Tab
Successes So Far (Aug. 2014) Resources Posted to the Digital Library State Leadership Teams and State Networks of Educators Established, Involving Over 1,800 K-16 Educators Across the Country SLT and SNE Training 1, 2, 3, and 4 Completed Over 3000 Resources Submitted to the Digital Library 31 ELA Modules in production 31 Math Modules in production 30 Assessment Literacy Modules in production 8 Score Report Modules in production Digital Library Software Versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2, 1.3, 1.35 Released SNE Summer Workshop Completed SLT Reviewer Contracts Supplemental Review Contracts Implemented Collaboration/Forums Slide 9
Digital Library Preview Period June 3 – September 30, 2014 Test the initial software application Provide users access to an initial set of resources that will grow
Collaboration & Forums Tabs o Ability to have discussions with other educators o Ability to start a topic o Ability to recommend posts for others to search for o Ability to create new forums not related to a resource o Ability to favorite forums o Professional, not personal collaboration o Users cannot post anonymously o Ability to review resources
Commissioned Modules Page 12
Digital Library Resources Slide 13 Commissioned Professional Learning Modules Resources for educators, students and families Frame Formative Assessment within a Balanced Assessment System Articulate the Formative Assessment Process Highlight Formative Assessment Practices and Tools Assessment Literacy Modules Commissioned Professional Learning Modules Instructional coaching for educators Instructional materials for students Demonstrate/support effective implementation of the formative assessment process Focus on key content and practice from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Exemplar Instructional Modules High-quality vetted instructional resources and tools for educators High-quality vetted resources and tools for students and families Reflect and support the formative assessment process Reflect and support the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Create Professional Learning Communities Education Resources
Intent of the Commissioned Exemplar Instructional Modules –~15-minute interactive, online professional learning experience –Transform educational practice unlike any other existing CCSS resources –Coach educators to use the formative assessment process and embody the process in module design –Reflect UDL principles and support for diverse groups of learners – Engage educators long enough to communicate essential ideas, but short enough that educators will use them Page 14