I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up…
Apply computer science, engineering, and math to design, develop, and test software (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
(Online College Degree Search)
Become project manager Be assigned bigger projects (Online University Degree Search)
“One of the fastest growing occupations from 2002 to 2012” (Career Overview)
(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
B.S. Computer Engineering – $62,570 M.S.C.E. – $68,130 Ph. D. – $89,320 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Work nights and weekends for deadlines Eye strain Back ache Hand and wrist pain Frustration (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Computer Science Bachelor of Science 2 year degree or certification (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
4 Units of Math 4 Units of Science 2 Units of Foreign Language (Cedarville University)
(Bureau of Labor Statistics)
(Markes, pg 522)
(Harvard Home),(College Data)
Bellwood, Pennsylvania Population: 2,016 Rural Middle Class 9.3% below poverty line Median Income: $34,595 Also Many Churches Claim to fame: Cedarville, Ohio Population: 3,828 Rural Middle Class 5.4% below poverty line Median Income: $37,200 Many Churches Claim to fame: (Wikipedia)
Enrollment: 2,229 (Cedarville)
(College Data)
Academic Scholarships Cedarville Scholar National Scholar Diversity Scholarships Athletic Scholarships Church Matching (Cedarville University)
1.What’s your favorite thing about Cedarville? Least favorite? Favorite thing- the relaxing Christian atmosphere Least favorite- so far away from home
2.How did Bellwood prepare you for college? It prepared me for the hard college schoolwork
3.If you could go back to high school again, what, if anything, would you have done differently? Studied more and worked more
4.How does the fact that Cedarville is a Christian college affect your education? It shows a different side of academia in general
5.How does going to Cedarville improve your life? I’m more forced to focus on my schoolwork and be independent.
Works Cited Bellwood, Pennsylvania. 28 November January Cedarville University. n.d. 30 January Cedarville University Tuition, Costs, and Financial Aid. n.d. 30 January College Admissions. n.d. 10 January "Computer Programmer." Markes, Andrew. Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance. Chicago, Illinois: Ferguson Publishing Company, Computer Software Engineer. 9 March January Computer Software Engineer Careers. n.d January. Engineer Salary Calculator. n.d. 30 January Harvard Home January Hunter, Tyler. Questions About College Connor Hunter. 30 January Job Descriptions and Careers. n.d. 10 January Computer Software Engineer Salary. n.d January. At least I don’t have to worry about being a professional golfer