Disclaimer The information contained in the nine (9) PowerPoint presentations is intended for general use to assist qualified Extension Officers to communicate the material covered in the Manual “Managing Indigenous Pastoral Lands” to Indigenous pastoralists and their advisors and other stakeholders. It includes general statements based on scientific research. Extension officers are advised to seek training in the delivery of the PowerPoints where necessary. Trainers and audiences are advised, and need to be aware, that this information may be incomplete or unsuitable for use in specific situations. Whilst all care has been taken to ensure that all information is true and correct at the time of publication, McClelland Rural Services Pty Ltd gives no warranty or assurance, and make no representation as to the accuracy of any material or advice contained in these PowerPoints. Before taking any action or decision based on the information in the PowerPoint presentations, readers should seek expert professional, scientific, technical and legal advice. To the extent permitted by law, the McClelland Rural Services Pty Ltd (including its employees and consultants), the authors and its partners do not assume liability of any kind whatsoever resulting from any person’s use or reliance upon the contents of these PowerPoints, or if changes are made to them. WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander attendees should be aware that the following presentations may contain images or names of people who have since passed away.
Running a Beef Cattle Business
Analyse Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats - SWOT Prepare Business Plan for future operation of your Cattle Station to assist in attracting finance Be aware of Business Governance requirements Know how to Record and Budget Know how to measure Performance through Management Accounting Main Actions
Robin Yeeda, Manager Lamboo Station, helps launch Management Manual
STRENGTHS Planning on Ullawarra Station, Gascoyne WA Business Planning
STRENGTHS Business Planning Steps Give legal and financial makeup of Corporation operation Provide business proposal outline, type and suitability of cattle to be run on your station Describe current business - markets, labour requirements, and cattle industry performance Provide full business management plan over next 3-5 years Show how your business plan will be monitored
STRENGTHS Business Plan Your Corporation State Corporation name and shareholders (Traditional Owners) If Corporation already has a cattle business and accountant, provide financial accounts for: o an annual Balance Sheet o last 3 years cash flow and income (profit and loss) Describe Corporation key people - Board Members, Manager and Headstockman
STRENGTHS Business Plan Overview The business is an Aboriginal Corporation owning and running a cattle station Give general proposal or goal e.g. to grow cattle numbers and sales over next 5 years and provide employment for local young people State main type of enterprise e.g. breeding and turning off steers for live export
STRENGTHS Business goal - engaging young people
STRENGTHS Business Plan Your Current Business Station location and cattle industry involvement Area, current cattle numbers, availability of labour Nearest markets for cattle Cattle industry performance Land ownership or any subleasing arrangements Who we contact for advice
STRENGTHS Planning Grazing Land Management, Warrigundu NT
STRENGTHS Business Plan Financial Analysis Prepare Cash Flow budgets for 3-5 years Show cash inflows (e.g. cattle sales) and cash outflows (how cash is used) Give finance structure and repayment schedule
STRENGTHS Business Plan Monitoring & Evaluation State how progress against the business plan will be monitored Who will be responsible for carrying out and monitoring of the plan Details of what will be monitored The key milestones and benchmarks by which the business will be monitored
Business Management - Governance Corporate Financial Cultural Board to follow rules and processes Approve business plans and budgets A respected mentor may help Employ an experienced Company Secretary
STRENGTHS Cora Johnston, Bookkeeper, Myroodah Station, Kimberley WA Management Accounting
STRENGTHS Management Accounting Records Livestock return each month, quarter or year Record income Operating expenses Finance and capital costs Wages book
STRENGTHS Livestock Return Aboriginal Pastoral Company Monthly Stock Return Whichone Station Month Ending31-Jan2013 Year No.ClassAge Opening Numbers PurchasesBrandingsRecoveries /LossesSalesRationsDeathsAdjust- ments Closing Numbers Breeders 2Maiden Heifers Maiden Heifers First Calf CowsMxd Sub Total 1, ,142 Unjoined Females 3F. Calves & Weaners Maiden Heifers Maiden Heifers Sub Total Speyed Females Heifers - - Cows Sub Total Total Females 1, ,675 Males Steers 3S. Calves & Weaners Steers Bullocks Sub Total Bulls 3B. Calves & Weaners Young Bulls Joiners Herd Bulls Sub Total Total Males Herd Total 2, ,129 B/F Year to Date 2, ,129
STRENGTHS Management Accounting Types of Costs Variable Costs Overhead Finance Costs Capital
STRENGTHS Bookkeeping and Accounting Recording
STRENGTHS Bookkeeping and Accounting Reporting
STRENGTHS Financial Management Measures Gross Income and Gross Margin Gross Income Change in Inventory Value Variable Costs Gross Margin
STRENGTHS Financial Management Measures - Other Earnings Before Interest &Tax (EBIT) Return on Assets (land, cattle etc.) Net Profit after Tax (NPAT) Net Cash Flow Before Financing Net Cash Flow After Financing
Business -Summary Business management will help you reach your goals: Running a sustainable beef business on your land Engaging young people Offering properly paid jobs Attracting financial assistance