Chapter 26 THE REPUBLICAN REVOLUTION The American Nation In the Modern Era 4/13/2017 Chapter 26 THE REPUBLICAN REVOLUTION Section 1: Reagan Comes to Power Section 2: Reagan’s Second Term Section 3: Bush and Life in the 1980s CHAPTER 26--THE REPUBLICAN REVOLUTION
Objectives: Section 1: Reagan Comes to Power What factors helped Ronald Reagan win the presidency in 1980? What was President Reagan’s main economic program, and how successful was it? What were the significant developments in the Cold War in the 1980s? How did the Reagan administration become involved in events in El Salvador and Nicaragua?
Factors in Reagan’s win Section 1: Reagan Comes to Power Factors in Reagan’s win frustration with the Iran hostage crisis Carter’s inability to solve domestic problems Americans’ insecurity about the future Reagan’s appeal across party lines
Reagan’s economic program Section 1: Reagan Comes to Power Reagan’s economic program supply side-economics cuts in government regulations cuts in social programs brought drop in inflation rate, business recovery, and stock market boom excluded the poorest Americans and members of minorities from prosperity increased homelessness
Developments in the Cold War Section 1: Reagan Comes to Power Developments in the Cold War SDI controversy Solidarity movement shooting down of Korean airliner placement of American missiles in Great Britain and Germany Soviet departure from arms-control talks Soviet boycott of 1984 Summer Olympics
Involvement in El Salvador and Nicaragua Section 1: Reagan Comes to Power Involvement in El Salvador and Nicaragua Reagan feared that Latin America would come under Soviet influence. In El Salvador’s civil war, Reagan aided the Duarte government. Reagan used the CIA to help the Contras fight the Sandinista government of Nicaragua.
Objectives: Section 2: Reagan’s Second Term How did the Republicans win the 1984 election, and how did the makeup of the Supreme Court change in the 1980s? What events began to shake public confidence in the economy? How did the Iran-Contra affair develop? What developments eased tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union in the late 1980s?
Changes in Supreme Court Section 2: Reagan’s Second Term The Republican win in 1984 military action in Grenada increasing participation of women in the Party Changes in Supreme Court appointment of first woman membership more conservative
Failing confidence in the economy Section 2: Reagan’s Second Term Failing confidence in the economy huge federal deficits illegal insider trading stock market crash S&L crisis
The Iran-Contra affair Section 2: Reagan’s Second Term The Iran-Contra affair Congress cut off funds to the contras. Reagan administration sold arms to Iran to obtain release of hostages in Lebanon. Administration used profits to illegally fund the Contras. Illegal arms sales were discovered.
Easing of tensions between U.S. and Soviet Union Section 2: Reagan’s Second Term Easing of tensions between U.S. and Soviet Union glasnost perestroika INF Treaty Gorbachev’s policy of détente withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan
Objectives: Section 3: Bush and Life in the 1980s How did American society change in the 1980s? How did the Cold War end? What led to the Persian Gulf War, and how did it differ from previous U.S. military conflicts?
Changes in American society Section 3: Bush and Life in the 1980s Changes in American society growth of the yuppie lifestyle doubling of number of single-parent households PC explosion rise of technoculture emergence of AIDS
Events ending the Cold War Section 3: Bush and Life in the 1980s Events ending the Cold War Soviet policy of nonintervention free elections in Poland and Hungary fall of communist governments in Czechoslovakia and Romania pro-democracy demonstrations in East Germany opening of Berlin Wall and reunification of Germany Gorbachev’s loss of power dissolution of Soviet Union
Persian Gulf War Section 3: Bush and Life in the 1980s caused by Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and ignoring of UN’s deadline for withdrawal won with high-tech weapons more television coverage than ever before significant role played by female troops
Bush’s domestic problems Section 3: Bush and Life in the 1980s Bush’s domestic problems sharp rise in federal deficit persistence of trade deficit with Japan growth of number of people living in poverty economic recession Thomas-Hill hearings