Milk and Meat I Corinthians 3:1-3
The church at Corinth Had some problems They were divided Child-like spirituality Had to feed them milk Should be feasting on meat
Content of Milk and Meat is Similar The makeup of milk and meat Principle holds true in the educational world Spiritual milk and meat are similar (II Tim 3:16-17; I Cor 10:3-4) We grow with milk and meat (Matt 11:29; Ps. 119:73; Matt 5:6) The same basic truths
Conditions of Milk and Meat Are Different Consider their physical properties Spiritual milk and meat are similar Both simple and difficult Biblical teachings (Heb 6:1-2; II Pet 3:15-16) Discerned through the presentations of truth (I Thes 2:7; II Thes 3:10)
Consumption of Milk and Meat Is Different Difference in how milk and meat is consumed Spiritual milk and meat are similar (I Pet 2:2; Heb 5:14) Problems occur when we partake of the wrong spiritual diet Don’t give meat to babes (Heb 6:1-2) Don’t give milk to adults (Heb 5:12-14; I Cor 3:1-3) To grow: babes need milk, adults need meat
Conclusion The content of milk and meat are similar The conditions of milk and meat are different The consumption of milk and meat is different also We need the correct spiritual food