B4L1 Weekly Test Review B
1. portrayed a young girl (who was holding a puppy) in his painting = portrayed in his painting a young girl holding a puppy. 2. wear perfume 擦香水 / wear makeup 塗化妝品 / wear a gold ring 戴金戒指 / wear glasses 戴眼 鏡 / wear a smile. 面露微笑 / wear a short beard 蓄短鬍 / wear hair long 留長髮 3. so adj that S V… … 如此 … 以致於 ahead of her 在她面前
4. As… 當 … 5. S be alive( 活著的 ) VS. live( 活著的 ) N … air crash 空難 VS. shipwreck 海難 6. point of view= viewpoint 7. ever 有史以來, 曾經 8. at a very young age 9. a sense of humor 幽默感, a sense of responsibility 責任感 a sense of direction 方向感 have no sense of time. 沒有時間觀念。 a sense of achievement 成就感
play jokes on ~ VS. play tricks on ~ 10. on one’s way to school on one’s way home on one’s way to the library 11. the bride and groom VS. bridesmaid and groomsman ( 伴娘, 伴郎 ) ,其中的主要的伴娘叫 maid of honor( 未婚 ) 或 matron of honor( 已婚 ) ( 伴郎, 主要的伴郎 best man) 。 12. look away from ~ 轉頭不看~ in on 上映
13. writing ( 不要再寫錯成 writting 沒有重覆 tt) written (PP 才要 tt) 15. hear of 聽說過 VS. hear from 收到... 的信 ( 消息 ) Legend has it that S V…. 傳說這麼說 Fact has it that S V.. 事實就是 S V Rumor has it that S V.. 謠言這麼說 16. That S V….is …. S V 17. S V…., which are …=> S V…, many of which…
18. S find it Ving/PP/adj/N to V…. that S V… S find N Ving/pp/adj/N 19. The thing the man is his eyes. The thing which is mysterious about the man is his eyes. the thing which = what What is mysterious about the man is his eyes. 把 his eyes 改成一個句子, 但要加 that S V… What is mysterious about the man is that he never works but leads a life of ease.
20. hostage 人質 The hostage was forced to kneel, and his hands were tied behind his back. ( 東西 be tied 被綁 ) 獨立分詞構句 The hostage was forced to kneel, his hands tied behind his back. 21. solve the mystery => the mystery to be solved 22. keep a diary VS. write a diary
23. …except that of the Mona Lisa. …except the sitting of the Mona Lisa. besides VS. except 24. there is no strong evidence 沒有強烈證據 … 26. Painted in a special way, the Mona Lisa…. Because it was painted in a special way, the Mona… 27. even more alive 後位修飾. OK. lively : 生動的, 栩栩如生的 a lively description 生動描述, lively, livelier, liveliest ( 比較級不加 more)
27. living =vigorous; lively, true of life 栩栩如生的 有力的;活潑的 a living image 逼真之像。 前位修飾. live 前位修飾. 28. It’s as if S V…. 好像 …. It’s jus as adj… It’s just like S V…. It’s just like N. 29. Some….,while some…. 然而 … 30. keep to oneself 不說出, 不表現出
四、 把 A 看成 B (B 是 N) think of A as B regard A as B see A as B take A as B look upon A as B consider A B
認為 A 是 B 的樣子 (B 是 adj) S V O OC. regard A as B see A as B take A as B view A as B few 很少 +Ns a few 許多 + Ns little 很少 +U a little 許多 +U
I can’t take my eyes off you. I can’t take my eyes off of you. I can’t take my eyes away from you. 47. make it adj for sb. to V…. 49. the model who pose for the Mona Lisa was a boy. = the model posing for the Mona Lisa was a boy. a boy who was dressed as a woman. a boy dressed as a woman