PF-22 EVALUATION OF A SMART ANTI-SNORE PILLOW DEVICE FOR OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA PATEIENT TREATMENT – PRELIMINARY REPORT Tsung-Te Chung 1,2, Cheng-Yu Wei 1,3, Ming-Chou Ku 1,4, Chien-Fang Chung 1, Ya-Ling Ke 1, Yi-Jie Huang 1 1. Sleep center, Changbin Show-Chwan Memorial Hospital, 2.Otolaryngology Head and Neck Department, Changhwa Show-Chwan Memorial Hospital 3. Neurology Department, Changbin Show-Chwan Memorial Hospita, 4. Orthology Department, Changhwa Show-Chwan Memorial Hospital Background & Objectives : Positional therapy (PT) can prevent obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) to sleep in the worst position. Some PT devices had been tested and reported a positive effect of PT on apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) or snoring. But some devices (tennis ball, positioner, alarm etc.) were not well tolerant/acceptance. A innovative Smart Anti-Snore pillow device can move in horizontal way smoothly after detecting four continuous snore. It would change patient’s head/neck position without noise. The study assessed the efficacy, tolerance and sleep pattern of Smart Anti-Snore pillow device in OSA patients. Subjects & Methods : Thirty adults were recruited with following inclusion criteria (1) baseline PSG showing AHI ≧ 5 with OSA symptoms (2) age ≧ 20 years and (3) informed consent was obtained. Patients were assigned to a secondary night PSG with Smart Anti-snore Pillow (Hong Jian Technology Co. Ltd., Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China) in sleep laboratory. PSG setting and scoring were according to 2007 AASM manual. Sleep quality were measured by three sleep questionnaires including Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI), Athens insomnia scale (AIS) and Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS). Smart Anti-Snore pillow device : The special pillow includes a base and a mobile seat as figure. A shift control assembly shifts the mobile seat between positions and includes a motor, gear set and drive assembly. The head/neck position changed through different positioning of the mobile seat after detecting continuous snoring ( as video show). Statistic Analysis : For paired samples, Paired-T test or Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to assess changes in the variables between baseline and pillow therapy in all patients. The relationship of mean differences of AHI and snore index within improvement and non-improvement between baseline and pillow therapy were analyzed with Wilcoxon rank sum test. A two tailed p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. All data were analyzed using the statistical package SAS for Windows version 9.2. Results : All 30 subjects can accepted and completed whole night PSG with Smart Anti-snore pillow device. AHI and snore index improved in 22 and 20 patients. The demography and PSG of improve vs. non-improve group were analyzed in Tab 3 & 4. Tab 1 :Demographic and clinical characteristics of OSA patients Table 2: Comparison of PSG between baseline and pillow therapy Table 3 Comparison of AHI improvement and non-improvement group Table 4: Comparison of snore index improvement and non-improvement gr. Discussions & Conclusions: Smart Anti-snore pillow can improve AHI, snore number & index, desaturation index; no change in arousal index, sleep stage, total sleep time & efficiency (Table 2). Smart Anti-snore pillow will improve AHI & snore index in supine –related OSA patients ( Table 3 & 4). For AHI improvement OSA patients, it can also improve their snore number, index desaturation index and reduce supine position (Table 5). The Smart Anti-snore pillow is an effective device to improve OSA patient’s AHI & snore by changing head/neck position smoothly without noise. It would not alter sleep efficiency and well-tolerant by OSA patients. Table 5 : Comparison between baseline and pillow PSG in AHI improvement group